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Insights from the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop: How do new physics faculty teach?
Physical Review Physics Education Research ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-28 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevphyseducres.16.020164
Stephanie V. Chasteen , Rajendra Chattergoon

Effective faculty professional development must be participant centered; tailored to the needs and interests of the faculty who engage in it. In order to better understand those needs and interests, we investigate how knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and teaching practice vary among new physics faculty, using surveys of a large sample (n=442) of participants in the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop (NFW). The “innovation-decision model” guides our understanding of the evolution of faculty teaching practice, and “self-determination theory” and the “theory of planned behavior” inform our understanding of necessary preconditions for that change. We find that most new physics faculty are aware of published teaching approaches, but that this awareness has not increased compared to a decade ago [C. Henderson and M. H. Dancy, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 5, 020107 (2009)] and is lower than the experienced faculty in our sample. New physics faculty also value student-centered instruction, are interested in using it, and feel that there is peer support for using student-centered instruction. Some new faculty have experienced student-centered instruction as a student or teaching assistant, as well. They are not confident of their ability to enact such practices, however, showing that self-efficacy is an important target for faculty learning. New physics faculty also reported high levels of use of student-centered practice which were similar to experienced faculty in this study and similar or higher than a study from a decade ago. Overall, our results suggest a continued shift in norms in the physics community, such that most new physics faculty enter the professoriate needing minimal encouragement to try student-centered instruction, having already experienced and experimented with such techniques. We do find, however, that about 20% of new faculty are not as open to student-centered instruction and have not yet experimented with it, and that more of these faculty are at Ph.D.-granting institutions. We propose that the innovation-decision model might be best imagined as cyclical, with faculty moving forward and backwards along stages of the cycle as they experiment with their teaching. We recommend those creating professional development experiences for faculty explore opportunities to support faculty as agentic learners engaged in a process of lifelong learning by helping them develop self-efficacy, agency, and metacognition. One way to accomplish these goals might be to focus professional development on faculty choosing something new to try, and (critically) learning from the experience. We also encourage the field to move away from focusing research and professional development on specific, branded teaching practices.



有效的教师专业发展必须以参与者为中心;根据参与该课程的教师的需求和兴趣量身定制。为了更好地了解这些需求和兴趣,我们使用大量样本的调查调查了新物理系教师之间的知识,态度,信念和教学实践是如何变化的(ñ=442)物理和天文学新教师研讨会(NFW)的参与者)。“创新决策模型”指导我们对教师教学实践的演变,而“自决理论”和“计划行为理论”则使我们了解了这种转变的必要前提。我们发现,大多数新的物理系都知道已发表的教学方法,但是与十年前相比,这种认识并没有增加。亨德森和MH丹西,物理学。物理牧师 教育。Res。 5,020107(2009)],并且比我们样本中经验丰富的教师要低。新的物理系教师也重视以学生为中心的教学,对使用它感兴趣,并感到在使用以学生为中心的教学方面得到了同行的支持。一些新教师也曾以学生或教学助理的身份经历过以学生为中心的教学。他们对自己采取这种做法的能力没有信心,但是,表明自我效能感是教师学习的重要目标。新的物理系还报告了以学生为中心的实践的大量使用,这与本研究中经验丰富的系类似,并且比十年前的研究更高或更高。总体而言,我们的结果表明,物理学界的规范在不断变化,这样,大多数新的物理系教师只要经过最小程度的鼓励就可以进入教授级,以尝试以学生为中心的教学,而他们已经进行了此类技术的尝试。但是,我们确实发现,约有20%的新教师对以学生为中心的教学不那么开放,还没有进行过实验,并且这些教师中有更多是在授予博士学位的机构中。我们建议,最好将创新决策模型想象为周期性的,因为教师在尝试教学时会沿着周期的各个阶段前进和后退。我们建议为教师创造专业发展经验的人们探索机会,通过帮助他们发展自我效能,代理和元认知的代理学习者,来支持他们从事终身学习的过程。实现这些目标的一种方法可能是将专业发展的重点放在教师选择新事物上,然后(批判性地)从经验中学习。我们还鼓励该领域从专注于特定品牌教学实践的研究和专业发展转移。