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Implementing Feedforward Neural Network Using DNA Strand Displacement Reactions
Nano ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-02 , DOI: 10.1142/s1793292021500016
Siyan Zhu 1 , Qiang Zhang 1, 2

The ability of neural networks to process information intelligently has allowed them to be successfully applied in the fields of information processing, controls, engineering, medicine, and economics. The brain-like working mode of a neural network gives it incomparable advantages in solving complex nonlinear problems compared with other methods. In this paper, we propose a feedforward DNA neural network framework based on an enzyme-free, entropy-driven DNA reaction network that uses a modular design. A multiplication gate, an addition gate, a subtraction gate, and a threshold gate module based on the DNA strand displacement principle are cascaded into a single DNA neuron, and the neuron cascade is used to form a feedforward transfer neural network. We use this feedforward neural network to realize XOR logic operation and full adder logic operation, which proves that the molecular neural network system based on DNA strand displacement can carry out complex nonlinear operation and reflects the powerful potential of building these molecular neural networks.


使用 DNA 链置换反应实现前馈神经网络

神经网络智能处理信息的能力使其能够成功地应用于信息处理、控制、工程、医学和经济学等领域。神经网络的类脑工作模式使其在解决复杂非线性问题方面具有其他方法无法比拟的优势。在本文中,我们提出了一种前馈 DNA 神经网络框架,该框架基于使用模块化设计的无酶、熵驱动的 DNA 反应网络。基于DNA链位移原理的乘法门、加法门、减法门和阈值门模块级联成单个DNA神经元,利用神经元级联形成前馈传递神经网络。