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WAVEWATCH-III source terms evaluation for optimizing hurricane wave modeling: A case study of Hurricane Ivan
Oceanologia ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.oceano.2020.12.001
Mehdi Yaghoobi Kalourazi , Seyed Mostafa Siadatmousavi , Abbas Yeganeh-Bakhtiary , Felix Jose

Simulating hurricane-generated waves is a challenging task due to rapidly fluctuating wind speed and direction, simultaneous presence of swells propagating out of the previous location of the hurricane and following/opposing waves on either side of the hurricane track, and dissipation in wind speed radially from the center of the hurricane. Bulk wave parameters have been investigated using the source term packages ST3, ST4 and ST6 implemented in the WAVEWATCH-III model to determine the most appropriate formulation for simulating hurricane-generated waves in the Gulf of Mexico. Based on the comparisons between model results and in situ observations during the passage of Hurricane Ivan (2004), it is shown that ST3 is not as successful as other formulations for hurricane wave modeling. Calibrated ST6 variant, T12, has shown to be the best formulation for simulating bulk wave parameters at points within the range of hurricane wind forcing; however, for the area beyond, and also during fair weather conditions, calibrated ST4 formulation, T471-Ex4, is recommended. Although T471-EX4 and T12 packages outperformed other cases, they overestimated waves propagating in the oblique and opposing wind. Dependence of ST6 parameter a0 on wind and wave direction is examined to improve the model performance.



模拟飓风产生的波浪是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为风速和风向会快速波动,同时存在从飓风的先前位置传播出来的涌浪,并在飓风轨道的任一侧跟随/反对波浪,并且径向散布风速从飓风的中心。使用在WAVEWATCH-III模型中实现的源术语程序包ST3,ST4和ST6对体波参数进行了研究,以确定模拟墨西哥湾飓风产生的波的最合适公式。根据飓风伊万(2004)通过时模型结果与现场观测结果之间的比较,表明ST3不如飓风波建模的其他公式那么成功。校准的ST6变体T12 已证明是模拟飓风强迫范围内各点处体波参数的最佳公式;但是,对于超出该范围的区域,以及在晴朗的天气条件下,建议使用经过校准的ST4配方T471-Ex4。尽管T471-EX4和T12封装的性能优于其他情况,但它们高估了在斜向和反向风中传播的波浪。ST6参数的依存关系一个0 检查风向和波浪方向以改善模型性能。
