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Regional multi-environment analysis of corn productivity and yield stability as impacted by hybrid maturity
Field Crops Research ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fcr.2020.108025
Juan Ignacio Di Salvo , Chad Lee , Montse Salmerón

Corn (Zea mays L.) hybrid maturity selection can help maximize productivity, yield stability, and optimize the use of available resources such as water, solar radiation, and nutrients. We explored yield differences by hybrid maturity with long term data from corn hybrid performance tests conducted between 2005 and 2017 in three U.S. states with variable area under irrigation: Arkansas (AR; 50 environments, 100% irrigated), Nebraska (NE; 22 environments, 59% irrigated), and Kentucky (KY; 54 environments, all rainfed). Stability-analysis techniques and probability functions were used to test the effect of Corn Relative Maturity (CRM) on yield and yield stability. Average yields increased per unit increase in CRM group by 51 kg ha−1 CRM−1 in AR and 122 kg ha−1 CRM−1 in NE. Thus, hybrids maturity recommendations to maximize yield were the latest CRM groups included in Corn Performance Tests in AR and NE (CRM 118−120 and 115−118, respectively). In contrast, the yield response to CRM group showed a quadratic relationship in KY, and selecting CRM groups later than 109–114 would reduce yield stability and likely delay harvest without providing a significant yield advantage. Full-season hybrids in AR and NE also showed the greatest responsiveness to environments of increasing average productivity, unlike in KY where all CRM groups showed similar responses. Different results observed across the three states may be partially attributed to different percentage of irrigated sites, with the implication that optimum hybrid maturity recommendations may need to be redefined depending on water availability.



玉米(Zea mays L.)混合成熟度的选择可以帮助最大程度地提高生产力,稳定产量并优化对水,太阳辐射和养分等可用资源的利用。我们利用杂交成熟度和2005年至2017年在美国三个灌溉面积不定的三个州进行的玉米杂交性能测试的长期数据探索了产量差异:阿肯色州(AR; 50个环境,100%灌溉),内布拉斯加州(NE; 22个环境, 59%的土地被灌溉)和肯塔基州(肯塔基州; 54种环境,全靠雨水灌溉)。使用稳定性分析技术和概率函数来测试玉米相对成熟度(CRM)对产量和产量稳定性的影响。CRM组每单位增加的平均产量增加了51 kg公顷-1 AR的CRM -1和122公斤公顷-1 CRM -1在东北。因此,在AR和NE的玉米性能测试中(CRM 118-120和115-118分别),最新的CRM组包括了为使产量最大化而进行杂交的成熟度建议。相比之下,对CRM组的产量响应在肯塔基州表现出二次关系,并且在109-114以后选择CRM组会降低产量稳定性并可能延迟收成而不会提供明显的产量优势。AR和NE的全季混合动力汽车对平均生产力提高的环境也表现出最大的响应能力,而肯塔基州的所有CRM组都表现出相似的响应能力。在这三个州观察到的不同结果可能部分归因于灌溉地点的百分比不同,这意味着可能需要根据水的可用性重新定义最佳混合成熟度建议。
