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Ship Detection in Large-Scale SAR Images Via Spatial Shuffle-Group Enhance Attention
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-02 , DOI: 10.1109/tgrs.2020.2997200
Zongyong Cui , Xiaoya Wang , Nengyuan Liu , Zongjie Cao , Jianyu Yang

Ship target detection using large-scale synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images has important application in military and civilian fields. However, ship targets are difficult to distinguish from the surrounding background and many false alarms can occur due to the influence of land area. False alarms always occur with ship target detection because most of the area in large-scale SAR images are treated as background and clutter, and the ship targets are considered unevenly distributing small targets. To address these issues, a ship detection method in large-scale SAR images via CenterNet is proposed in this article. As an anchor-free method, CenterNet defines the target as a point, and the center point of the target is located through key point estimation, which can effectively avoid the missing detection of small targets. At the same time, the spatial shuffle-group enhance (SSE) attention module is introduced into CenterNet. Through SSE, the stronger semantic features are extracted while suppressing some noise to reduce false positives caused by inshore and inland interferences. The experiments on the public SAR-ship-data set show that the proposed method can detect all targets without missed detection with dense-docking targets. For the ship targets in large-scale SAR images from Sentinel 1, the proposed method can also detect targets near the shore and in the sea with high accuracy, which outperforms the methods like faster R-convolutional neural network (CNN), single-shot multibox detector (SSD), you only look once (YOLO), feature pyramid network (FPN), and their variations.



使用大规模合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像的舰船目标检测在军事和民用领域具有重要的应用。但是,船舶目标很难与周围的背景区分开,由于陆地面积的影响,可能会发生许多误报。由于大型SAR图像中的大部分区域都被当作背景和杂物,并且船舶目标被认为分布不均匀,因此在目标检测过程中总是会发生虚警。为了解决这些问题,本文提出了一种通过CenterNet在大规模SAR图像中进行船舶检测的方法。CenterNet作为一种无锚的方法,将目标定义为一个点,并通过关键点估计来定位目标的中心点,从而可以有效地避免对小目标的漏检。与此同时,CenterNet中引入了空间随机分组增强(SSE)注意模块。通过SSE,可以提取更强的语义特征,同时抑制一些噪声,以减少由近海和内陆干扰引起的误报。在公共SAR舰船数据集上的实验表明,该方法可以检测出所有目标,而不会出现对接目标密集的目标。对于来自Sentinel 1的大规模SAR图像中的舰船目标,该方法还可以高精度检测海岸和海域附近的目标,其性能优于快速R卷积神经网络(CNN),单发多框检测器(SSD),您只需查看一次(YOLO),金字塔网络(FPN)及其变体。提取更强的语义特征,同时抑制一些噪声,以减少由近海和内陆干扰引起的误报。在公共SAR-舰船数据集上的实验表明,该方法可以检测出所有目标,而不会出现对接目标密集的目标。对于来自Sentinel 1的大规模SAR图像中的舰船目标,该方法还可以高精度检测海岸和海域附近的目标,其性能优于快速R卷积神经网络(CNN),单发多框检测器(SSD),您只需查看一次(YOLO),金字塔网络(FPN)及其变体。提取更强的语义特征,同时抑制一些噪声,以减少由近海和内陆干扰引起的误报。在公共SAR-舰船数据集上的实验表明,该方法可以检测出所有目标,而不会出现对接目标密集的目标。对于来自Sentinel 1的大规模SAR图像中的舰船目标,该方法还可以高精度检测海岸和海域附近的目标,其性能优于快速R卷积神经网络(CNN),单发多框检测器(SSD),您只需查看一次(YOLO),金字塔网络(FPN)及其变体。在公共SAR-舰船数据集上的实验表明,该方法可以检测出所有目标,而不会出现对接目标密集的目标。对于来自Sentinel 1的大规模SAR图像中的舰船目标,该方法还可以高精度检测海岸和海域附近的目标,其性能优于快速R卷积神经网络(CNN),单发多框检测器(SSD),您只需查看一次(YOLO),金字塔网络(FPN)及其变体。在公共SAR-舰船数据集上的实验表明,该方法可以检测出所有目标,而不会出现对接目标密集的目标。对于来自Sentinel 1的大规模SAR图像中的舰船目标,该方法还可以高精度检测海岸和海域附近的目标,其性能优于快速R卷积神经网络(CNN),单发多框检测器(SSD),您只需查看一次(YOLO),金字塔网络(FPN)及其变体。