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Attention-direction versus retrieval practice: which fosters the productive recall of German formulaic sequences best?
Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics ( IF 0.917 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.35869/vial.v0i17.1463
Griet Boone , June Eyckmans

This article reports on a classroom-based (quasi)-experiment with a pre-test post-test design that explored the effect of two types of activities on the productive recall of German formulaic sequences (FS): 1) attention-directing activities and 2) retrieval practice. Two intact classes of Dutch-speaking university students of German participated in the study. One class was randomly assigned to the attention-directing condition (n=18), the other one to the retrieval condition (n=11). Twenty-two target FS were selected as learning items. Each group processed the FS in a different condition. In the attention-directing condition, students had to 1) re-read a video transcript with the FS in bold typeface and 2) translate the targets into Dutch. In the retrieval condition, students had to 1) complete a transcript in which the FS were deleted and 2) translate the targets into German. Results indicate that the retrieval condition led to better productive phrase learning than the attention-directing condition.



本文报告了一项基于课堂的(准)实验,并进行了测试前测试后设计,该设计探讨了两种类型的活动对德国公式序列(FS)的有效召回的影响:1)注意力引导活动和2)检索练习。两个完整的德语班的荷兰语大学生班参加了这项研究。将一个类别随机分配给注意力引导条件(n = 18),将另一个类别分配给检索条件(n = 11)。选择了22个目标FS作为学习项目。每个小组在不同条件下处理FS。在引导注意力的情况下,学生们必须:1)用FS粗体字重新阅读录像带,以及2)将目标翻译成荷兰语。在检索条件下,学生必须1)完成删除FS的成绩单,以及2)将目标翻译成德语。结果表明,与注意引导条件相比,检索条件导致更好的生产性短语学习。