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K-9 Catch-22: The Impossible Dilemma Of Using Police Dogs In Apprehension Of Suspects
University of Pittsburgh Law Review ( IF 0.107 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-02 , DOI: 10.5195/lawreview.2019.630
Ann L. Schiavone

In the past several years, the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has seen two canine police dogs (K-9s) killed in the line of duty, Rocco in January 2014, and Aren in January of 2016. Both were killed by stab wounds while attempting to apprehend suspects. The man who killed Rocco received significant jail for stabbing and killing the dog, while the man who killed Aren was fatally shot as a direct result of his actions toward the canine. While Rocco was vocally celebrated in the community, and sympathy primarily focused on the canine, the deaths of Aren and the suspect who killed him, Brian Kelley, Jr., led to a very different response. In the aftermath of the 2016 incident, there was significant vocal outcry from a variety of advocates (for both humans and animals) concerning the injustice of using K-9 officers to apprehend suspects and calling for a ban on such practices. Certainly, Pittsburgh’s experiences are not unique, although they present a vivid backdrop for the discussion of whether K-9s should be used for apprehension of suspects and under what circumstances. This paper explores the legal and ethical questions surrounding the use of police dogs, specifically in the realm of apprehending suspects where a violent interaction between human and canine is inevitable. The Fourth Amendment allows the use of canine force against persons if “reasonable” under the totality of the circumstances, based on the officer’s observations. However, that totality of circumstances does not take into account the very real and very reasonable fear response induced in humans by an animal attack, that in some cases compels the suspect to defend themselves and thus places the suspect at risk for further violence, and the police dog at risk for injury or death. Further, while any suspect may be compelled to resist or defend itself against a police dog, the historical usage of police dogs against African Americans, coupled with the deployment of police dogs more frequently in minority communities may tend to put African Americans at greater risk in this K-9 catch-22. Ultimately, the paper considers the question of whether, in light of human behavioral fear response to animal attacks coupled with examples of implicit racial bias, using police dogs in apprehension is ever truly “reasonable.”


K-9 Catch-22:使用警犬逮捕嫌疑人的不可能困境

在过去几年中,宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市发生过两只警犬(K-9)在执行任务时被杀,Rocco 于 2014 年 1 月,Aren 于 2016 年 1 月。以逮捕嫌疑人。杀死 Rocco 的人因刺伤和杀死狗而被判入狱,而杀死 Aren 的人则直接因他对狗的行为而被枪杀。虽然 Rocco 在社区中广受赞誉,并且同情主要集中在犬类身上,但 Aren 和杀害他的嫌疑人 Brian Kelley, Jr. 的死亡导致了截然不同的反应。2016年事件发生后,对于使用 K-9 官员逮捕嫌犯的不公正做法,各种倡导者(无论是人类还是动物)都发出了强烈的强烈抗议,并呼吁禁止这种做法。当然,匹兹堡的经历并不是独一无二的,尽管它们为讨论是否应该使用 K-9 以及在什么情况下逮捕嫌疑人提供了生动的背景。本文探讨了围绕使用警犬的法律和伦理问题,特别是在逮捕嫌疑人的领域,人与犬之间的暴力互动是不可避免的。根据官员的观察,如果在所有情况下“合理”,第四修正案允许对人使用犬类武力。然而,整个情况没有考虑到动物攻击在人类中引起的非常真实和非常合理的恐惧反应,在某些情况下迫使嫌疑人为自己辩护,从而使嫌疑人面临进一步暴力的风险,而警犬有受伤或死亡的危险。此外,虽然任何嫌疑人都可能被迫对抗警犬或为自己辩护,但警犬对非裔美国人的历史使用,再加上在少数族裔社区更频繁地部署警犬,可能会使非裔美国人面临更大的风险。这个 K-9 catch-22。最终,该论文考虑了一个问题,鉴于人类对动物袭击的行为恐惧反应以及隐含的种族偏见的例子,在逮捕中使用警犬是否真的“合理”。在某些情况下,这会迫使嫌疑人为自己辩护,从而使嫌疑人面临进一步暴力的风险,并使警犬面临受伤或死亡的风险。此外,虽然任何嫌疑人都可能被迫对抗警犬或为自己辩护,但警犬对非裔美国人的历史使用,再加上在少数族裔社区更频繁地部署警犬,可能会使非裔美国人面临更大的风险。这个 K-9 catch-22。最终,该论文考虑了一个问题,鉴于人类对动物袭击的行为恐惧反应以及隐含的种族偏见的例子,在逮捕中使用警犬是否真的“合理”。在某些情况下,这会迫使嫌疑人为自己辩护,从而使嫌疑人面临进一步暴力的风险,并使警犬面临受伤或死亡的风险。此外,虽然任何嫌疑人都可能被迫对抗警犬或为自己辩护,但警犬对非裔美国人的历史使用,再加上在少数族裔社区更频繁地部署警犬,可能会使非裔美国人面临更大的风险。这个 K-9 catch-22。最终,该论文考虑了一个问题,鉴于人类对动物袭击的行为恐惧反应以及隐含的种族偏见的例子,在逮捕中使用警犬是否真的“合理”。虽然任何嫌疑人都可能被迫对抗警犬或为自己辩护,但警犬对非裔美国人的历史使用,再加上在少数族裔社区更频繁地部署警犬,可能会使非裔美国人在这方面面临更大的风险-9 catch-22。最终,该论文考虑了一个问题,鉴于人类对动物袭击的行为恐惧反应以及隐含的种族偏见的例子,在逮捕中使用警犬是否真的“合理”。虽然任何嫌疑人都可能被迫对抗警犬或为自己辩护,但警犬对非裔美国人的历史使用,加上在少数族裔社区更频繁地部署警犬,可能会使非裔美国人在这方面面临更大的风险-9 catch-22。最终,该论文考虑了一个问题,鉴于人类对动物袭击的行为恐惧反应以及隐含的种族偏见的例子,在逮捕中使用警犬是否真的“合理”。