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Training Culturally Competent Psychologists: A Systematic Review of the Training Outcome Literature.
Training and Education in Professional Psychology ( IF 2.263 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1037/tep0000190
Lorraine T. Benuto , Jena Casas , William T. O'Donohue

The purpose of this systematic review of the literature was to further understand the goals of cultural competency trainings and the procedures used to train psychologists, and to synthesize evaluations of the outcomes of these trainings. Seventeen training outcome studies were identified. Results from revealed a wide variety of training procedures including lecture, discussion, utilization of case scenarios, cultural immersion, role-play, contact with diverse individuals, self-reflection of interactions with clients, journaling, and service learning. Across studies, topics covered within training curricula included racism/discrimination, worldviews, cultural identity, general concepts about culture, biases, and information about the clinical/client interaction as it relates to cultural competency or diversity. Cultural competency training increased knowledge, whereas findings for changes in attitudes, awareness, and skills were mixed. Evidence-based training guidelines and practices are needed. Given the complexities associated with culture and the ample number of variables that can be classified as cultural (i.e., immigration status, language, acculturation), developing evidence-based training guidelines is a challenging task that may require a reconsideration of how cultural competency training is approached. Because there is not sufficient information to suggest that specific curricular methods or content produce reliable outcomes, the field should reconsider the foundation of cultural competency training using psychological science as a basis.



对文献进行系统回顾的目的是进一步了解文化能力培训的目标和用于培训心理学家的程序,并对这些培训的结果进行综合评估。确定了 17 项培训成果研究。结果揭示了各种各样的培训程序,包括讲座、讨论、案例场景的利用、文化沉浸、角色扮演、与不同个人的接触、与客户互动的自我反思、日记和服务学习。在整个研究中,培训课程中涵盖的主题包括种族主义/歧视、世界观、文化认同、关于文化的一般概念、偏见以及有关临床/客户互动的信息,因为它与文化能力或多样性有关。文化能力培训增加了知识,而态度、意识和技能变化的结果则喜忧参半。需要循证培训指南和实践。鉴于与文化相关的复杂性以及可归类为文化的大量变量(即移民身份、语言、文化适应),制定循证培训指南是一项具有挑战性的任务,可能需要重新考虑文化能力培训的方式接近。由于没有足够的信息表明特定的课程方法或内容会产生可靠的结果,该领域应该重新考虑以心理科学为基础的文化能力培训的基础。需要循证培训指南和实践。鉴于与文化相关的复杂性以及可归类为文化的大量变量(即移民身份、语言、文化适应),制定循证培训指南是一项具有挑战性的任务,可能需要重新考虑文化能力培训的方式接近。由于没有足够的信息表明特定的课程方法或内容会产生可靠的结果,该领域应该重新考虑以心理科学为基础的文化能力培训的基础。需要循证培训指南和实践。鉴于与文化相关的复杂性以及可归类为文化的大量变量(即移民身份、语言、文化适应),制定循证培训指南是一项具有挑战性的任务,可能需要重新考虑文化能力培训的方式接近。由于没有足够的信息表明特定的课程方法或内容会产生可靠的结果,该领域应该重新考虑以心理科学为基础的文化能力培训的基础。制定循证培训指南是一项具有挑战性的任务,可能需要重新考虑如何进行文化能力培训。因为没有足够的信息表明特定的课程方法或内容会产生可靠的结果,该领域应该重新考虑以心理科学为基础的文化能力培训的基础。制定循证培训指南是一项具有挑战性的任务,可能需要重新考虑如何进行文化能力培训。由于没有足够的信息表明特定的课程方法或内容会产生可靠的结果,该领域应该重新考虑以心理科学为基础的文化能力培训的基础。