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Urban Transport Expansions and Changes in the Spatial Structure of US Cities: Implications for Productivity and Welfare
The Review of Economics and Statistics ( IF 6.481 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1162/rest_a_00855
Nathaniel Baum-Snow 1

Each new radial highway serving large U.S. metropolitan areas decentralized 14% to 16% of central city working residents and 4% to 6% of jobs in the 1960–2000 period. Model calibrations yield implied elasticities of central city total factor productivity to central city employment relative to suburban employment of 0.04 to 0.09, meaning a large fraction of agglomeration economies operates at submetropolitan-area spatial scales. Each additional highway causes central city income net of commuting costs to increase by up to 2.4% and housing cost to decline by up to 1.3%. Factor reallocation toward land in housing production generates the plurality of the population decentralization caused by new highways.



在 1960 年至 2000 年期间,每条服务于美国大都市区的新径向高速公路分散了 14% 至 16% 的中心城市工作居民和 4% 至 6% 的工作岗位。模型校准产生相对于郊区就业的中心城市全要素生产率对中心城市就业的隐含弹性为 0.04 至 0.09,这意味着很大一部分集聚经济在次都市区空间尺度上运行。每增加一条高速公路,中心城市扣除通勤成本后的收入将增加多达 2.4%,住房成本将下降多达 1.3%。住房生产中向土地的要素重新分配产生了由新高速公路引起的人口分散的多元化。