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Using Measures of Fit to Predict Beginning Teacher Retention
The Elementary School Journal ( IF 1.789 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1086/707094
Jason M. Miller , Peter Youngs , Frank Perrone , Erin Grogan

A school’s performance over time is shaped by its ability to retain strong teachers. Research has identified multiple predictors associated with teacher retention; however, few studies have investigated the association between person-organization and person-group fit and teacher retention. The purpose of this study is to investigate the association between three measures of fit and teacher retention. The authors utilized a longitudinal data set that included 132 early career teachers (ECTs) with social network data from their mentors and colleagues. Data analysis identified that person-organization professional fit was positively associated with ECTs’ decisions to stay or leave their school. The findings suggest that schools and districts should consider the degree of likely professional fit between ECTs and their schools when teachers are being hired and take steps to strengthen ECTs’ sense of professional fit once they begin teaching.



随着时间的推移,学校的表现取决于其留住优秀教师的能力。研究已经确定了与教师留任相关的多个预测因素;然而,很少有研究调查个人-组织和个人-团体适合度与教师留任之间的关系。本研究的目的是调查三种适合度和教师留任率之间的关联。作者使用了一个纵向数据集,其中包括 132 名早期职业教师 (ECT),以及来自他们的导师和同事的社交网络数据。数据分析表明,个人与组织的专业契合度与 ECT 决定留下或离开学校呈正相关。