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Examining the Additive Effects of Check-in/Check-out to Coping Power
The Elementary School Journal ( IF 1.789 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1086/703125
Sara C. McDaniel , Allison L. Bruhn

This study examined the effects of coping power (CP) and the combination of CP with check-in/check-out (CICO) to determine whether the addition of CICO as a classroom component enhances the effects of CP alone. CP was delivered outside the classroom by research assistants, and all CICO components were implemented by classroom teachers. We conducted a study with a single-case experimental multitreatment design (i.e., A-B-BC-B-BC) with three elementary students at risk for aggressive behavior. We collected daily progress report scores as the primary dependent variable and periodic direct observation probes of disruptive behavior. In addition, we evaluated intervention fidelity for both interventions and students’ and teachers’ perceptions of the interventions. Visual inspection indicated variable responses to the combination of CP and CICO compared with CP alone, with one participant demonstrating a functional relation. Key findings, limitations, implications, and future directions are described.



本研究考察了应对能力 (CP) 和 CP 与签到/签出 (CICO) 的组合的影响,以确定将 CICO 添加为课堂组件是否会增强单独的 CP 效果。CP 由研究助理在课堂外提供,所有 CICO 组件均由课堂教师实施。我们对三名有攻击性行为风险的小学生进行了一项采用单案例实验性多治疗设计(即 AB-BC-B-BC)的研究。我们收集每日进度报告分数作为主要因变量和破坏性行为的定期直接观察探针。此外,我们评估了干预措施的保真度以及学生和教师对干预措施的看法。与单独使用 CP 相比,目视检查表明对 CP 和 CICO 组合的不同反应,一名参与者表现出功能关系。描述了主要发现、局限性、影响和未来方向。