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The on-line emergence of Hebrew insubordinate she- (‘that/which/who’) clauses
Studies in Language ( IF 0.392 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-19 , DOI: 10.1075/sl.17065.mas
Yael Maschler 1

Abstract This study examines the on-line emergence of insubordinate clauses in Hebrew conversation as constrained by local interactional contingencies, questioning traditional notions of grammatical ‘subordination’ and contributing to conceptions of grammar as a locally sensitive, temporally unfolding resource for social interaction. The clauses examined are syntactically unintegrated (unembedded in any matrix clause), or loosely-integrated (cannot be viewed unambiguously as constituting a relative, complement, or adverbial clause), yet they all begin with she- – the general ‘subordinating conjunction’ in traditional Modern Hebrew grammar. All 102 insubordinate she- clauses found throughout a 5.5 hour audio-recorded corpus were classified according to their discourse function: modal, elaborative, or evaluative/epistemic. Leaving aside the modal type, the remaining insubordinate she- clauses (N = 70, 69%) are shown to emerge on-line while speakers are busy performing a variety of tasks and responding to local interactional contingencies. In all of these cases she- functions as a generic ‘wildcard’ tying back to immediately prior discourse and projecting an elaboration/evaluation of it, in either same- or other-speaker talk. The findings concerning insubordinate clauses suggest a usage-based perspective also on canonical subordinate clauses, positioning canonical and syntactically unintegrated clauses at two ends of a continuum.


希伯来语不服从的 she-('that/which/who')从句的在线出现

摘要 本研究考察了受当地互动偶然因素约束的希伯来语会话中不服从条款的在线出现,质疑传统的语法“从属”概念,并有助于将语法概念视为一种局部敏感、随时间展开的社会互动资源。检查的从句在句法上未整合(未嵌入任何矩阵从句中)或松散整合(不能明确视为构成关系、补语或状语从句),但它们都以 she- 开头 - 中的一般“从属连词”传统的现代希伯来语语法。在 5.5 小时的录音语料库中发现的所有 102 个不服从的 she- 从句都根据它们的话语功能进行分类:模态、阐述性或评价性/认知性。撇开模态类型不谈,其余不服从的she-从句(N = 70, 69%)显示出在线出现,而说话者则忙于执行各种任务并响应本地交互突发事件。在所有这些情况下,她都作为一个通用的“通配符”,在同一说话者或其他说话者的谈话中,与之前的话语联系起来并对其进行详细说明/评估。关于不从属从句的发现表明了对规范从属从句的基于用法的观点,将规范和句法未整合的从句定位在连续体的两端。在所有这些情况下,她都作为一个通用的“通配符”,在同一说话者或其他说话者的谈话中,与之前的话语联系起来并对其进行详细说明/评估。关于非从属从句的发现表明了对规范从属从句的基于用法的观点,将规范和句法未整合的从句定位在连续体的两端。在所有这些情况下,她都作为一个通用的“通配符”,在同一说话者或其他说话者的谈话中,与之前的话语联系起来并对其进行详细说明/评估。关于非从属从句的发现表明了对规范从属从句的基于用法的观点,将规范和句法未整合的从句定位在连续体的两端。