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Conflicting Russian Orthodox and European Secular Values and Their Reflection in Russian Law
Review of Central and East European Law ( IF 0.103 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-11 , DOI: 10.1163/15730352-04103002
Sergei Aleksandrovich Belov 1

This article focuses on the widely discussed apparent contradictions between traditional Russian Orthodox values and modern secular European values as these contradictions can be observed in the Russian legal system. On the one hand, the 1993 Russian Constitution—in particular, the provisions declaring the highest values of human rights—requires observance of secular European values. On the other hand, the ideas of the ‘Russian way’ (osobyi put’ Rossii) and cultural specificity are very influential in Russian politics and society today. This article examines how this value dualism appears in legal documents, which can be seen when the Russian legislative, executive, or judicial branch reaches a decision in which they seem to be guided by Orthodox dogma. Although examples are to be found by monitoring Russian media, the Internet, and most importantly via online databases of Russian judicial decisions, I argue that these instances are not significant enough to enable one to draw a broad conclusion. In fact, they are quite rare and non-systematic. Arguably, factors other than religious motives can be seen as the grounds in which these decisions are rooted. Nonetheless, a tendency toward strengthening the influence of Orthodoxy on the Russian ‘law in books’ and ‘law in action’ is obvious. One result likely will be a sharpening of the divide between Orthodox and secular European values in the Russian legal system in the future.



本文侧重于广泛讨论的传统俄罗斯东正教价值观与现代世俗欧洲价值观之间的明显矛盾,因为这些矛盾可以在俄罗斯法律体系中观察到。一方面,1993 年的俄罗斯宪法——特别是宣布最高人权价值的条款——要求遵守世俗的欧洲价值观。另一方面,“俄罗斯之道”(osobyi put' Rossii)和文化特殊性的思想在当今的俄罗斯政治和社会中非常有影响力。本文探讨了这种价值二元论如何出现在法律文件中,这可以在俄罗斯立法、行政或司法部门做出似乎受东正教教条指导的决定时看到。虽然通过监视俄罗斯媒体可以找到例子,互联网,最重要的是,通过俄罗斯司法判决的在线数据库,我认为这些事例不足以让人们得出广泛的结论。事实上,它们非常罕见且非系统性。可以说,宗教动机以外的因素可以被视为这些决定的根源。尽管如此,加强东正教对俄罗斯“书本上的法律”和“行动中的法律”的影响的趋势是显而易见的。一个结果可能是未来俄罗斯法律体系中东正教和世俗欧洲价值观之间的分歧会加剧。宗教动机以外的因素可被视为这些决定的依据。尽管如此,加强东正教对俄罗斯“书本上的法律”和“行动中的法律”的影响的趋势是显而易见的。一个结果可能是未来俄罗斯法律体系中东正教和世俗欧洲价值观之间的分歧会加剧。宗教动机以外的因素可被视为这些决定的依据。尽管如此,加强东正教对俄罗斯“书本上的法律”和“行动中的法律”的影响的趋势是显而易见的。一个结果可能是未来俄罗斯法律体系中东正教和世俗欧洲价值观之间的分歧会加剧。