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Syllabically-driven stricture effects in Majorcan Catalan high vocoids
Probus ( IF 0.500 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-27 , DOI: 10.1515/probus-2017-0007
Jesús Jiménez , Maria-Rosa Lloret , Clàudia Pons-Moll

Abstract This paper analyzes the variation found in Majorcan Catalan regarding the realizations of /i/ and /u/ in contact with other vowels, which depend on the nature of the vocoids themselves, the syllabic position in which they occur, their surrounding segmental context, and the geographic origin of the speakers. Leaving aside faithful hiatic solutions, their realizations range from different degrees of strengthening to fusion and deletion, and further coexist with some instances of /v/-weakening. To account for these patterns, we provide a unified analysis within the split margin approach to syllable organization (Baertsch 1998, 2002), with phonetic grounding supporting the distinction between [+high] and [–high] for palatal glides (but not for their labial counterparts) and the approximant character of /v/ in intervocalic position. We also show that, in order to explain the whole variation, markedness constraints referring to the harmony of segments in intervocalic position (Kirchner 1998; Uffmann 2007), and their specific interaction with faithfulness constraints, are needed.



摘要本文分析了在马略卡岛加泰罗尼亚语中关于/ i /和/ u /与其他元音联系的实现方式的变体,这些变体取决于音素本身的性质,音节的音节位置,周围的节段环境,以及演讲者的地理位置。除了忠实的解决方案,它们的实现范围从不同程度的增强到融合和删除,并与/ v / -weakening的某些实例进一步共存。为了说明这些模式,我们在音节组织的分页边距方法中提供了统一的分析方法(Baertsch 1998,2002),语音基础支持gl滑行[+ high]和[–high]的区别(但不支持their滑行)唇音)和/ v /的相似性。