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Constructing desirable brides
Pragmatics and Society ( IF 0.745 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-22 , DOI: 10.1075/ps.18014.san
Priti Sandhu 1

Abstract This paper utilizes Membership Categorization Analysis (MCA) and Conversation Analysis (CA) to examine the entwined relationships among interaction, storytelling, and membership categorization. While demonstrating how a storytelling event in a qualitative research interview and the categories constructed within it are skillfully wielded by the teller to meet interactional exigencies, this single case analysis shows how members do culture-in-action (Hester and Eglin 1997) related to arranged marriage negotiations in the Indian context. A close examination of the emic categories produced in the interview reveals how the interactants collaboratively co-construct the social structures surrounding arranged marriages and the notion of ‘desirable’ brides. Illustrating the salience of medium-of-education (MoE) in these emic constructions of desirable brides, the analysis reveals the marginalization of Hindi-medium-educated (HME) women in the arranged marriage sphere.



摘要 本文利用会员分类分析 (MCA) 和对话分析 (CA) 来检查互动、讲故事和会员分类之间的交织关系。在展示定性研究访谈中的讲故事事件及其内部构建的类别如何被出纳员巧妙运用以应对互动紧急情况的同时,这个单一案例分析显示了成员如何在行动中进行文化(Hester 和 Eglin 1997)与安排相关的印度语境下的婚姻谈判。对采访中产生的主位类别的仔细检查揭示了互动者如何协作共同构建围绕包办婚姻的社会结构和“理想”新娘的概念。