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Parallel Bayesian Global Optimization of Expensive Functions
Operations Research ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-19 , DOI: 10.1287/opre.2019.1966
Jialei Wang 1 , Scott C. Clark 2 , Eric Liu 3 , Peter I. Frazier 4

We consider parallel global optimization of derivative-free expensive-to-evaluate functions, and propose an efficient method based on stochastic approximation for implementing a conceptual Bayesian optimization algorithm proposed by Ginsbourger et al. (2007). At the heart of this algorithm is maximizing the information criterion called the "multi-points expected improvement'', or the q-EI. To accomplish this, we use infinitessimal perturbation analysis (IPA) to construct a stochastic gradient estimator and show that this estimator is unbiased. We also show that the stochastic gradient ascent algorithm using the constructed gradient estimator converges to a stationary point of the q-EI surface, and therefore, as the number of multiple starts of the gradient ascent algorithm and the number of steps for each start grow large, the one-step Bayes optimal set of points is recovered. We show in numerical experiments that our method for maximizing the q-EI is faster than methods based on closed-form evaluation using high-dimensional integration, when considering many parallel function evaluations, and is comparable in speed when considering few. We also show that the resulting one-step Bayes optimal algorithm for parallel global optimization finds high-quality solutions with fewer evaluations than a heuristic based on approximately maximizing the q-EI. A high-quality open source implementation of this algorithm is available in the open source Metrics Optimization Engine (MOE).


