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Hyperlocal Language Revalorization in Verona, Italy
Multilingua ( IF 1.667 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-26 , DOI: 10.1515/multi-2017-0127
Andrea Leone-Pizzighella 1

Abstract In Verona, Northern Italy, a music group is revalorizing a local dialetto (‘dialect’) by putting it to music. By both reviving hundred-year old songs and writing their own music and lyrics, they are widening the cultural reach that this language has and they are finding contemporary ways for people to engage with it. Unlike political groups and their related language activists in the region of Veneto, this music group does not have secessionist ideals or a pan-Veneto rallying cry behind their lyrics. Instead, they are decidedly apolitical and are focused on the hyperlocal dimension of language and musical tradition: like the Slow Food movement and the Km 0 movement, the music group Contrada Lorì makes music with local resources (such as their local dialetto) and local knowledge for a local crowd. This article considers the role of dialetto in the band’s musical portrayal of place and personhood, and considers the language ideological underpinnings of the group’s quest to balance hyperlocal linguistic authenticity and cosmopolitan innovation through music.



摘要在意大利北部的维罗纳,一个音乐团体通过将本地方言(“方言”)用于音乐来对其进行重新估价。通过恢复百年之久的歌曲并编写自己的音乐和歌词,他们扩大了这种语言的文化影响范围,并且正在寻找人们与之互动的当代方式。与威尼托地区的政治团体及其相关语言活动家不同,该音乐团体没有分裂主义的理想,也没有泛威尼托的歌词背后的呐喊声。相反,他们绝对是非政治的,专注于语言和音乐传统的超地方性维度:像慢食运动和Km 0运动一样,音乐团体ContradaLorì借助当地资源(例如当地的方言)和当地知识制作音乐给当地人