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Language attitudes of young Romanians in Catalonia (Spain): The role of heritage language maintenance programs
Multilingua ( IF 1.667 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-27 , DOI: 10.1515/multi-2018-0069
Maria Adelina Ianos , Ester Caballé , Cristina Petreñas , Ángel Huguet

Abstract This article presents a mixed method analysis of the language attitudes held by secondary education students of Romanian origin, which are members of the second largest immigrant population living currently in Catalonia. The relevance of this data is based on the cardinal role played by attitudes in the success of any educational or linguistic policy (Lewis, E. Glyn. 1981. Bilingualism and bilingual education. Oxford, UK: Pergamon.) – a topic of special relevance in contexts with considerable migratory influxes, such as Catalonia, which aims to achieve social cohesiveness in a framework of interculturalism and multilingualism. The various initiatives implemented for this purpose include the heritage language maintenance programs, such as the “Romanian Language, Culture, and Civilization” (RLCC) program. The results showed that the young Romanians had the most favourable attitudes towards Spanish, followed closely by Romanian, and lastly Catalan, which was the least valued language. Furthermore, these attitudinal patterns were not determined by RLCC attendance. The insights provided by the in-depth interviews indicated various components and meanings associated with the attitudes towards the three languages. Namely, attitudes towards Spanish were primed by its international status and ease of learning, while attitudes towards Catalan were build on its integrative value and social status. Although esteemed for its emotional and symbolic bonds, Romanian seemed to be on a path towards invisibilization. Finally, the educational and social implications of these findings are discussed, emphasising the importance of involving and working with both the autochthonous and the Romanian immigrant population.



摘要本文对罗马尼亚裔中学学生的语言态度进行了混合分析,这些学生是目前居住在加泰罗尼亚的第二大移民人口。这些数据的相关性基于态度在任何教育或语言政策的成功中所起的主要作用(Lewis,E. Glyn。1981.双语和双语教育。牛津,英国:佩加蒙。)–一个特殊的主题在大量移民涌入的情况下,例如加泰罗尼亚,其目的是在跨文化主义和多语言主义的框架内实现社会凝聚力。为此目的实施的各种举措包括传统语言维护计划,例如“罗马尼亚语言,文化和文明”(RLCC)计划。结果表明,罗马尼亚年轻人对西班牙的态度最满意,紧随其后的是罗马尼亚语,最后是价值最低的语言加泰罗尼亚语。此外,这些态度模式不是由RLCC出席率确定的。深入访谈提供的见解表明了与对待这三种语言的态度相关的各种成分和含义。即,对西班牙的态度以其国际地位和易学性为首,而对加泰罗尼亚语的态度则建立在其综合价值和社会地位上。尽管罗马尼亚人因其情感和象征性纽带而备受推崇,但罗马尼亚人似乎正​​走向不公开化。最后,讨论了这些发现的教育和社会意义,