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Mind the age gap
Language Problems and Language Planning ( IF 1.115 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1075/lplp.00057.fia
Guilherme Fians 1

Abstract Esperanto is neither an official nor a commonly spoken language anywhere in the world and, due to the limited number of people who speak this language from birth and who teach it to the next generation, the persistence of this speech community cannot rely on intergenerational language transmission. Based on a year of ethnographic fieldwork in France, mainly in Paris, this article explores continuities and discontinuities in the Esperanto community and movement bylooking at how present-day young Esperanto speakers use the language online and through networks of sociability. In asking what is transmitted from one generation of Esperanto speakers to the next, and how new communication technologies impact the ways in which people use the language, I analyse how the concentration of speakers from different age groups around distinct technologies creates a segmentation in this community that leaves some issues incommunicable and hard to transmit. I argue that, on the one hand, engaging with Esperanto through Esperanto associations and, on the other hand, through social media and non-institutionalised gatherings, shapesdifferent perceptions of the language, marking a shift from Esperanto as a forward-looking cause for activists to Esperanto as a tool for sociability and an intellectual game for language-lovers.



摘要 世界语既不是官方语言,也不是世界上任何地方的通用语言,由于从出生开始讲这种语言并传授给下一代的人数有限,这个语言社区的持久性不能依赖于代际语言。传播。本文基于在法国(主要是在巴黎)进行的一年民族志实地考察,通过观察当今年轻的世界语使用者如何在线和通过社交网络使用世界语,探索世界语社区和运动中的连续性和不连续性。在询问一代世界语使用者向下一代传播什么,以及新的通信技术如何影响人们使用该语言的方式时,我分析了来自不同年龄组的演讲者围绕不同技术的集中如何在这个社区中造成分割,从而留下一些无法沟通且难以传播的问题。我认为,一方面,通过世界语协会与世界语接触,另一方面,通过社交媒体和非机构化的聚会,塑造了对语言的不同看法,标志着世界语已转变为积极分子的前瞻性事业将世界语视为社交工具和语言爱好者的智力游戏。