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Guarding the gate politically and politely: How accreditation teams do facework while gatekeeping
Journal of Politeness Research ( IF 1.300 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-01 , DOI: 10.1515/pr-2014-0017
Victor Ho

Abstract Accreditation is a quality assurance mechanism which evaluates either the capability of an institution to offer an academic program or the quality of an academic program before its launch. Accredited institutions and programs are allowed to enroll students, both fee-paying and non-fee-paying. The outcome of an accreditation exercise will therefore have significant implications for an institution’s reputation and finance. Institutions are normally informed of the outcome through an accreditation report, a genre whose discourse is intrinsically interesting and important, and thus deserves fuller research attention, for two reasons: (1) the genre contains evaluations and comments which can be negative and face-threatening, and (2) the accreditation team, as we can safely assume, will do facework subsequent to the performance of face threats through the negative evaluations and comments. The present study seeks to gain a better understanding of the lexicogrammar of this genre in general, and the lexicogrammar used to textualize facework in particular by analyzing the discourse of 30 accreditation reports in an Australian context. This paper argues that the evaluative language used in this genre can serve to perform facework for both the institution being accredited and the accreditation team itself, and have important implications for both the workplace and classroom.



摘要认证是一种质量保证机制,用于评估机构提供学术课程的能力或在课程启动之前学术课程的质量。允许经过认可的机构和计划招收有偿的和无偿的学生。因此,认证工作的结果将对机构的声誉和财务产生重大影响。通常通过鉴定报告将结果告知机构,该报告的话语本质上是有趣且重要的,因此值得引起更多研究关注,其原因有两个:(1)该类型包含的评价和评论可能具有负面和威胁性。 ,以及(2)认证小组,我们可以放心地假设,将通过负面评价和评论在面对人脸威胁之后进行面对面工作。本研究旨在总体上更好地理解这种体裁的词典法,尤其是通过分析澳大利亚语境下的30份鉴定报告的论述,将词典法用于文本化面部表情。本文认为,这种类型的评估语言可以为被认证的机构和认证团队本身提供面部表情,并且对工作场所和教室都具有重要意义。尤其是通过在澳大利亚的语境中分析30份鉴定报告的论述来将文字化为面部表情的词典技术。本文认为,这一类型的评估语言可以为被认证的机构和认证团队本身提供面部表情,并且对工作场所和教室都具有重要意义。尤其是通过在澳大利亚的语境中分析30份鉴定报告的论述来将文字化为面部表情的词典技术。本文认为,这种类型的评估语言可以为被认证的机构和认证团队本身提供面部表情,并且对工作场所和教室都具有重要意义。