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Race on Campus: Debunking Myths With Data by Julie J. Park
Journal of College Student Development ( IF 2.051 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/csd.2019.0044
Dena Kniess

Chapter 6 focuses on how students and the student-led organizations they engage in respond to politics, which is often mediated by their campus. Students who attend institutions such as the liberal arts college Reyes studied may be “in a bubble,” where their political engagement is responded to within their campus and rewarded by administrators or faculty. While institutions such as the regional public university offer “no incentives or distractions, and no boundaries” (p. 136) to students’ political engagement, which may result in more off-campus political mobilization. In chapter 7, Reyes uncovers students’ views on racial inequality and mobility. Reyes found that students at all 3 campuses often employed one of three narratives— meritocratic, oppression implicit, or oppression explicit—when explaining their views. Students who were members of nonpolitical organizations at the research university and regional public university were more likely to adapt a meritocratic narrative. Students who were members of political organizations at the research university and regional public university, and all students at the liberal arts college, were more likely to adapt an oppression narrative that acknowledged systemic inequalities, but did not always tie these inequalities to historical inequality (although students with the oppression explicit narrative did make these connections). Reyes’s work adds to the expanding body of research examining the racialized collegiate experiences of Latina/o/x students pursuing a degree in the United States. Learning to be Latino is complementary to recent texts that focus on the experiences of Latina/o/x students in higher education including: Latinx/a/os in Higher Education: Exploring Identity, Pathways, and Success, edited by Batista, Collado, and Pérez (2018); and Latina/o Student Leadership: Emerging Theory, Promising Practice, edited by Lozano (2015). Reyes contributes to the existing body of literature and these texts by providing a rich, in-depth description of how institutional type and students’ involvement in culturally based organizations contribute to Latina/o/x students’ experiences and their identity development in critical ways underexamined in other works. Reyes acknowledges the inherent impact of spaces created by Latina/o/x organizations while providing a more nuanced understanding about how students’ identities can be influenced by the structure, location, and demographic makeup of the institution they attend.


校园竞赛:Julie J. Park 用数据揭穿神话

第 6 章侧重于学生和他们参与的学生领导的组织如何应对政治,而政治通常以校园为中介。就读于雷耶斯所研究的文理学院等机构的学生可能处于“泡沫”中,他们的政治参与在校园内得到回应,并得到管理人员或教职员工的奖励。而地区公立大学等机构对学生的政治参与“没有任何激励或干扰,也没有界限”(第 136 页),这可能会导致更多的校外政治动员。在第 7 章中,雷耶斯揭示了学生对种族不平等和流动性的看法。雷耶斯发现,所有 3 个校区的学生在解释他们的观点时,通常会采用三种叙事中的一种——任人唯贤、隐含压迫或明确压迫。在研究型大学和地区公立大学担任非政治组织成员的学生更有可能适应精英主义的叙述。作为研究型大学和地区公立大学政治组织成员的学生,以及文理学院的所有学生,更有可能适应承认系统性不平等的压迫叙事,但并不总是将这些不平等与历史不平等联系起来(尽管具有压迫明确叙述的学生确实建立了这些联系)。雷耶斯的工作增加了对在美国攻读学位的拉丁裔/o/x 学生的种族化大学经历的不断扩大的研究。《学习成为拉丁裔》是对近期专注于拉丁裔/o/x 学生在高等教育中的经历的文本的补充,包括:Latinx/a/os in Higher Education: Exploring Identity, Pathways, and Success,由 Batista、Collado 和佩雷斯 (2018); 和拉丁裔/o 学生领导力:新兴理论,有前途的实践,由 Lozano 编辑(2015 年)。雷耶斯通过提供丰富、深入的描述,对机构类型和学生如何参与以文化为基础的组织对拉丁裔/o/x 学生的体验和他们的身份发展做出贡献,从而以未充分审视的批判方式为现有的文学和这些文本做出贡献在其他作品中。