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Student Loan Debt and Financial Stress: Implications for Academic Performance
Journal of College Student Development ( IF 2.051 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/csd.2019.0008
Amanda R. Baker , Catherine P. Montalto

With the costs of college on the rise across the United States, many postsecondary educators are concerned about the potential effect of financial strain on student outcomes. Scholars have long hypothesized that students who are concerned about finances may demonstrate lower goal commitment, academic engagement, and persistence (Boatman & Long, 2016; Cabrera, Nora, & Castañeda, 1992; Nora, Barlow, & Crisp, 2006). High levels of student loan debt and financial stress have been associated with increases in students’ likelihood of dropping out, stopping out, or reducing their course loads (Dwyer, Hodson, & McCloud, 2013; Joo, Durband, & Grable, 2008; Robb, Moody, & Abdel-Ghany, 2012). Financial concerns have also been linked with extended time to degree (Letkiewicz et al., 2014), which can further escalate the costs of college. The causal mechanisms linking financial concerns to college outcomes are not fully understood. Researchers have suggested that financial strain may reduce students’ motivation to complete college (Cabrera et al., 1992; Nora et al., 2006) or deplete the cognitive resources students have available to allocate to academic concerns (Northern, O’Brien, & Goetz, 2010), yet few studies have specifically examined the associations between financial concerns and academic performance. Furthermore, researchers have not yet distinguished the effects of high levels of financial stress from more moderate levels of financial stress. These questions have significant implications for student affairs practitioners, who are tasked with ensuring that financial concerns do not negatively affect students’ academic success. Trends in student borrowing and financial stress vary between racial and ethnic groups and by gender, pointing to possible inequities in financial support for college. One study shows that Black bachelor’s degree recipients were more likely to have borrowed $30,000 or more in student loans, potentially reflecting lower access to other forms of financial support (Baum & Steele, 2010). Conversely, Latinx and Asian students may be more averse to taking out student loans, even when other sources of financial aid do not cover college costs (Goldrick-Rab & Kelchen, 2015). Some studies have shown that self-reported financial stress is higher among Students of Color, though this may be accounted for by the inadequacy of available financial resources (Archuleta, Dale, & Spann, 2013; Grable & Joo, 2006). Researchers have found that women report higher levels of financial stress than do men (Archuleta et al., 2013; Heckman, Lim, & Montalto, 2014) but that the amount of student debt associated with an increased risk of dropping out is lower for men than for women (Dwyer et al., 2013). Financial concerns include both objective factors, reflecting the actual availability and use of resources, and subjective factors, reflecting students’ perceptions of their financial stability (Nora et al., 2006). We examined how both objective and subjective indicators of financial



随着美国各地的大学费用不断上涨,许多大专教育工作者担心经济压力对学生成绩的潜在影响。长期以来,学者们一直假设担心财务状况的学生可能表现出较低的目标承诺、学术参与和坚持(Boatman & Long,2016;Cabrera、Nora 和 Castañeda,1992;Nora、Barlow 和 Crisp,2006)。高水平的学生贷款债务和财务压力与学生辍学、辍学或减少课程负担的可能性增加有关(Dwyer、Hodson 和 McCloud,2013 年;Joo、Durband 和 Grable,2008 年;Robb 、穆迪和阿卜杜勒-加尼,2012 年)。财务问题也与获得学位的时间延长有关(Letkiewicz 等人,2014 年),这会进一步增加大学成本。将财务问题与大学成绩联系起来的因果机制尚不完全清楚。研究人员认为,经济压力可能会降低学生完成大学学业的动力(Cabrera 等人,1992 年;Nora 等人,2006 年)或耗尽学生可用于分配学术问题的认知资源(Northern、O'Brien 和Goetz, 2010),但很少有研究专门研究财务问题与学业成绩之间的关联。此外,研究人员尚未将高水平的财务压力与中等水平的财务压力的影响区分开来。这些问题对学生事务从业者具有重要意义,他们的任务是确保财务问题不会对学生的学业成功产生负面影响。学生借贷和经济压力的趋势因种族和族裔群体以及性别而异,这表明对大学的经济支持可能存在不平等。一项研究表明,黑人学士学位获得者更有可能借入 30,000 美元或更多的学生贷款,这可能反映了获得其他形式财务支持的机会较少(Baum & Steele,2010)。相反,拉丁裔和亚洲学生可能更不愿意申请学生贷款,即使其他经济援助来源无法支付大学费用(Goldrick-Rab & Kelchen,2015 年)。一些研究表明,有色人种学生自我报告的财务压力更高,尽管这可能是由于可用财务资源不足所致(Archuleta、Dale 和 Spann,2013 年;Grable 和 Joo,2006 年)。研究人员发现,女性报告的财务压力水平高于男性(Archuleta 等人,2013 年;Heckman、Lim 和 Montalto,2014 年),但男性与辍学风险增加相关的学生债务数额较低而非女性(Dwyer 等人,2013 年)。财务问题包括反映资源实际可用性和使用情况的客观因素和反映学生对其财务稳定性的看法的主观因素(Nora 等,2006)。我们研究了财务的客观和主观指标如何 财务问题包括反映资源实际可用性和使用情况的客观因素和反映学生对其财务稳定性的看法的主观因素(Nora 等,2006)。我们研究了财务的客观和主观指标如何 财务问题包括反映资源实际可用性和使用情况的客观因素和反映学生对其财务稳定性的看法的主观因素(Nora 等,2006)。我们研究了财务的客观和主观指标如何