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Comparison of research and industry views on project managers’ competencies
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business ( IF 2.951 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-26 , DOI: 10.1108/ijmpb-04-2019-0085
Sina Moradi , Kalle Kähkönen , Kirsi Aaltonen

The success of projects clearly relies on project management personnel and particularly on project managers. Their performance and capacities are based on the achieved competencies. The purpose of this paper is to address possible discrepancies between the views arising from the research results and standards of practice related to project managers’ competencies.,For reaching the aim of the study, a comprehensive literature review, covering previous studies and related standards of practice was conducted, and analyses of competencies in the studies and standards of practice containing the rank of competencies based on frequency of appearance were developed.,The findings are proposing four discrepancies between the results of previous studies and standards of practice: commonly existing/missing competencies; uneven priority of some competencies in the view of researchers vs standards of practice; uneven degree of consensus on the importance of competencies; and research results are more context-oriented than the standards of practice. In addition, 98 project managers’ competencies were identified, from which 68 were qualified as weighty ones. Moreover, a categorization of project managers’ weighty competencies was developed. Finally, a list of competencies of relevance for different project types and their targets is presented.,The findings of this study provide a contribution with respect of present knowledge over project managers’ competencies by recognizing certain discrepancies between research results and standards of practice. Another contribution of the study is the comprehensive list of competencies together with considerations of their relevance in different project contexts and in different project types.



项目的成功显然取决于项目管理人员,尤其是项目经理。他们的表现和能力取决于所取得的能力。本文的目的是要解决研究结果和与项目经理能力相关的实践标准之间的观点之间可能存在的差异。为了达到研究的目的,需要进行全面的文献综述,涵盖以前的研究和相关的标准。进行了实践研究,并对研究能力和实践标准进行了分析,其中包括基于出现频率的能力等级。研究结果提出了以往研究结果与实践标准之间的四个差异:普遍存在/缺失能力 从研究人员的角度来看,某些能力的优先顺序与实践标准不符;关于能力重要性的共识程度不均衡;研究结果比实践标准更注重环境。此外,确定了98位项目经理的能力,其中68位具有重要能力。此外,还对项​​目经理的胜任力进行了分类。最后,列出了与不同项目类型及其目标相关的能力。该研究的结果通过认识到研究结果与实践标准之间的某些差异,为当前知识对项目经理的能力做出了贡献。