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Shifts in signed media interpreting
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics ( IF 0.919 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-14 , DOI: 10.1075/ijcl.18059.weh
Ella Wehrmeyer 1

Abstract This study offers a unique contribution through the construction of an annotated text-based sign language interpreting corpus and its application in analyzing shifts (defined as deviations from source semantic content), which in turn enables researchers to identify and categorize interpreter strategies and norms. The corpus comprises ten half-hour news broadcasts in English and their simultaneously signed interpretations into South African Sign Language. The analysis of shifts shows that interpreters mainly strive to produce a fluent output, combatting cognitive overload through condensation, use of synonyms and omission. However, they also cater for target language norms through attention to discourse features and syntactic reformulation and by addressing perceived target audience knowledge gaps through explanations. Time constraints limit full deverbalization and repair strategies, and Deaf communicative norms occasionally conflict with interpreting norms. Although most shifts could be related to interpreter strategies and norms, the interpreters occasionally made syntactic errors, hindering comprehension.



摘要 本研究通过构建带注释的基于文本的手语口译语料库及其在分析转变(定义为与源语义内容的偏差)中的应用,提供了独特的贡献,这反过来又使研究人员能够识别和分类口译策略和规范。该语料库包括十个半小时的英语新闻广播和他们同时签署的南非手语翻译。对转变的分析表明,口译员主要努力产生流畅的输出,通过浓缩、使用同义词和遗漏来对抗认知过载。然而,它们也通过关注语篇特征和句法重构以及通过解释解决感知到的目标受众知识差距来迎合目标语言规范。时间限制限制了完全去语言化和修复策略,聋人交流规范偶尔会与口译规范发生冲突。虽然大多数转变可能与口译策略和规范有关,但口译员偶尔会犯句法错误,阻碍理解。