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Wadadɨka’a (Burns Paiute Reservation, Oregon)
International Journal of American Linguistics ( IF 0.378 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1086/707227
Tim Thornes

The Harney Valley, or tibidzi yipɨ (the True Valley), region of southeastern Oregon is a rich and varied landscape consisting of all the extremes one expects to find in the Great Basin—vast marshlands, high-elevation grasslands, alkali basins, pine forest, and ephemeral lakebeds and rivers. This high desert area attracts hundreds of thousands of water and other fowl (as well as birdwatchers) on their seasonal migration. Water has been, and remains, a source of tension in the region, as does the management of federal land more generally, including, in particular, the allocation of grazing rights. The occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge by an armed militia in January 2016 drew both national media attention and swift condemnation by the region’s original occupants, whose cultural sites had been violated by the takeover. Some earmark features of the Northern Paiute dialect spoken here include the appearance of the palatal affricate [ʧ] (written as {ch} in the local orthography and /č/ in the transcription) corresponding to palatalized [kj] in other northern dialects and voiced fortis alveolar [dd] in the south. Prosodic vowel devoicing seems, impressionistically at least, more pervasive in this variety than elsewhere. Any obstruent-initial, unstressed syllable is a candidate, although typically devoicing only appears on the final one or two syllables of a threeor four-syllable word, respectively.



俄勒冈州东南部的哈尼谷,或称 tibidzi yipɨ(真正的谷)是一个丰富多样的景观,由人们期望在大盆地发现的所有极端景观组成——广阔的沼泽地、高海拔的草原、碱性盆地、松树林,以及短暂的湖床和河流。这个高海拔沙漠地区在季节性迁徙时吸引了成千上万的水和其他家禽(以及观鸟者)。水一直是并且仍然是该地区紧张局势的根源,更广泛的联邦土地管理也是如此,尤其包括放牧权的分配。2016 年 1 月,一支武装民兵占领了 Malheur 国家野生动物保护区总部,这引起了全国媒体的关注,也引起了该地区原住民的迅速谴责,其文化遗址因收购而受到侵犯。这里所说的北派尤特方言的一些显着特征包括与其他北方方言中的颚化 [kj] 相对应的腭塞擦 [ʧ](在当地正字法中写为 {ch},在转录中写为 /č/) Fortis alveolar [dd] 在南部。韵律元音清音似乎,至少在印象派上,在这个变体中比其他地方更普遍。任何不显眼的首字母、非重读音节都是候选音节,尽管通常清浊音仅分别出现在三或四音节单词的最后一个或两个音节上。这里所说的北派尤特方言的一些显着特征包括与其他北方方言中的颚化 [kj] 相对应的腭塞擦 [ʧ](在当地正字法中写为 {ch},在转录中写为 /č/) Fortis alveolar [dd] 在南部。韵律元音清音似乎,至少在印象派上,在这个变体中比其他地方更普遍。任何不显眼的首字母、非重读音节都是候选音节,尽管通常清浊音仅分别出现在三或四音节单词的最后一个或两个音节上。这里所说的北派尤特方言的一些显着特征包括与其他北方方言中的颚化 [kj] 相对应的腭塞擦 [ʧ](在当地正字法中写为 {ch},在转录中写为 /č/) Fortis alveolar [dd] 在南部。韵律元音清音似乎,至少在印象派上,在这个变体中比其他地方更普遍。任何不显眼的首字母、非重读音节都是候选音节,尽管通常清浊音仅分别出现在三或四音节单词的最后一个或两个音节上。