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Constituting and responding to domestic and sexual violence
Gender and Language ( IF 2.268 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-15 , DOI: 10.1558/genl.38967
Ann Weatherall 1

High levels of domestic and sexual violence perpetrated by men against women are worldwide problems. Around one in three women in the world have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence, with the rate being as high as 70 per cent in some Pacific countries (UN Women 2012). The alarming statistics point to a cultural normalisation of rape and physical violence as a routine, albeit stigmatised sexual experience. For example, in many countries in the world there are no legal sanctions against rape within marriage. Even where rape and other forms of violence against women are recognised as serious crimes, there are significant problems in its policing and prosecution due to the devaluing and stifling of women’s voices. This special issue showcases contemporary feminist language research on violence against women. Its aim is to further develop understandings of how discursive, interactional and textual practices constitute and respond to gender-based violence. Violence against women ‘is a consequence – perhaps the most devastating consequence – of gender inequality. In its most extreme form it is a lethal act. Nearly 60 per cent of all female homicides are at the hands of male partners or family members’ (UNODC 2018). For survivors, it has significant and ongoing negative consequences on health and well-being. Experiences of violence can make girls and women vulnerable to further experiences of violence (Senn et al. 2017). Furthermore, there are also high costs to society from violence including the provision of services to respond



男性对女性实施的大量家庭暴力和性暴力是世界性问题。世界上约有三分之一的女性遭受过某种形式的身体暴力或性暴力,在一些太平洋国家,这一比例高达 70%(联合国妇女署,2012 年)。令人震惊的统计数据表明,强奸和身体暴力的文化正常化是一种例行的、尽管被污名化的性经历。例如,世界上许多国家都没有针对婚内强奸的法律制裁。即使在强奸和其他形式的暴力侵害妇女行为被认为是严重罪行的情况下,由于妇女的声音被贬低和扼杀,因此在维持治安和起诉方面存在重大问题。本期特刊展示了当代女权主义语言对暴力侵害妇女行为的研究。其目的是进一步了解话语、互动和文本实践如何构成和应对基于性别的暴力。对妇女的暴力行为是性别不平等的后果——也许是最具破坏性的后果。在最极端的情况下,这是一种致命的行为。在所有女性凶杀案中,近 60% 是男性伴侣或家庭成员所为(毒品和犯罪问题办公室,2018 年)。对于幸存者来说,它会对健康和福祉产生重大且持续的负面影响。暴力经历会使女孩和妇女更容易遭受进一步的暴力经历(Senn 等,2017)。此外,暴力还给社会带来高昂成本,包括提供应对 对妇女的暴力行为是性别不平等的后果——也许是最具破坏性的后果。在最极端的情况下,这是一种致命的行为。在所有女性凶杀案中,近 60% 是男性伴侣或家庭成员所为(毒品和犯罪问题办公室,2018 年)。对于幸存者来说,它会对健康和福祉产生重大且持续的负面影响。暴力经历会使女孩和妇女更容易遭受进一步的暴力经历(Senn 等,2017)。此外,暴力还给社会带来高昂成本,包括提供应对 对妇女的暴力行为是性别不平等的后果——也许是最具破坏性的后果。在最极端的情况下,这是一种致命的行为。在所有女性凶杀案中,近 60% 是男性伴侣或家庭成员所为(毒品和犯罪问题办公室,2018 年)。对于幸存者来说,它会对健康和福祉产生重大且持续的负面影响。暴力经历会使女孩和妇女更容易遭受进一步的暴力经历(Senn 等,2017)。此外,暴力还给社会带来高昂成本,包括提供应对 它对健康和福祉产生重大和持续的负面影响。暴力经历会使女孩和妇女更容易遭受进一步的暴力经历(Senn 等,2017)。此外,暴力还给社会带来高昂成本,包括提供应对 它对健康和福祉产生重大和持续的负面影响。暴力经历会使女孩和妇女更容易遭受进一步的暴力经历(Senn 等,2017)。此外,暴力还给社会带来高昂成本,包括提供应对