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Novices’ performance using hypertext materials: Shedding light on disorientation
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology ( IF 3.730 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-28 , DOI: 10.14742/ajet.4617
Álvaro Jáñez , Javier Rosales

Many researchers have proposed a causal link between low domain knowledge and disorientation in hypertext. Our objective was to challenge this hypothesis, examining other variables that might have an influence, such as design, reading instructions, or working memory capacity. We analysed navigation patterns and comprehension scores in a sample of low topic knowledge undergraduate students (N = 45) who were assigned to one of three hypertext conditions: reading for a test, reading to write a summary, and elaborative interrogation. Another sample (N = 45) of low knowledgeable undergraduate students were used as a control group, performing the same tasks using printed texts. Regarding disorientation, and contrasting with previous research, only a minority of students became disoriented in hypertext. Neither reading instructions nor working memory capacity had the expected impact on readers’ behaviour or outcomes, so hypertext design might be a key aspect on explaining disorientation. Implications for hypertext design and education are discussed.



许多研究人员提出了低领域知识与超文本中的迷失方向之间的因果关系。我们的目标是挑战这一假设,研究可能会产生影响的其他变量,例如设计,阅读说明或工作记忆容量。我们分析了样本的低主题知识本科生(N = 45)的导航模式和理解分数,这些学生被分配给以下三种超文本条件之一:阅读测试,阅读以撰写摘要和详尽的审问。另一样本(N = 45)的知识渊博的本科生被用作对照组,并使用印刷文本执行相同的任务。关于迷失方向,并与先前的研究形成对比,只有少数学生在超文本中迷失了方向。阅读指令和工作记忆容量都不会对读者的行为或结果产生预期的影响,因此超文本设计可能是解释迷失方向的关键方面。讨论了对超文本设计和教育的影响。