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The relationship between mobile learning and self-regulated learning: A systematic review
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology ( IF 3.730 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-28 , DOI: 10.14742/ajet.5650
Agnieszka Palalas , Norine Wark

A systematic review of 38 primary research peer-reviewed articles, drawn from six databases and spanning from January 2007 to January 2019, was conducted to determine the principle information that they collectively offered on the relationship between mobile learning (mlearning) and self-regulated learning (SRL). In answering the research questions posed, a synthesis of the following 12 key elements was undertaken: (1) research aims, (2) research methodologies, (3) outcomes, (4) education discipline areas, (5) educational levels, (6) educational contexts, (7) geographic location, (8) time frame, (9) type of device, (10) m-learning and SRL definitions, (11) theoretical models, and (12) m-learning, self-regulation (SR), and SRL variable measurement instruments. The frequency of studies on the relationship between mlearning and SRL increased in more recent years, as did the types of devices used in these studies. More than three quarters of the studies concluded that m-learning enhanced SRL, SRL enhanced m-learning, or m-learning and SRL enhanced other learning factors (e.g., health, curriculum development). Moreover, the relationship between m-learning and SRL was dynamic and complex. A primary recommendation was to intentionally integrate m-learning and SRL into formal curricula guided by informed, technologically adept educators who provided appropriate, ever-decreasing support and scaffolding as learners became more self-determined.



对2007年1月至2019年1月从六个数据库中抽取的38篇主要研究同行评审文章进行了系统综述,以确定它们共同提供的关于移动学习(学习)与自我调节学习之间的关系的主要信息。 (SRL)。在回答提出的研究问题时,对以下12个关键要素进行了综合:(1)研究目的;(2)研究方法;(3)结果;(4)教育学科领域;(5)教育水平;(6) )教育环境,(7)地理位置,(8)时间范围,(9)设备类型,(10)移动学习和SRL定义,(11)理论模型以及(12)移动学习,自我调节(SR)和SRL可变测量仪器。近年来,关于语言学习和SRL之间关系的研究频率也在增加,这些研究中使用的设备类型也在增加。超过四分之三的研究得出结论,移动学习增强了SRL,SRL增强了移动学习,或者移动学习和SRL增强了其他学习因素(例如,健康,课程开发)。而且,移动学习和SRL之间的关系是动态和复杂的。一个主要的建议是有意识地将移动学习和SRL纳入正式课程,由知识渊博,技术精湛的教育者提供指导,随着学习者变得更加自决,他们将提供适当的,不断减少的支持和支持。或m-learning和SRL增强了其他学习因素(例如,健康,课程开发)。而且,移动学习和SRL之间的关系是动态和复杂的。一个主要的建议是有意识地将移动学习和SRL纳入正式课程,由知识渊博,技术精湛的教育者提供指导,随着学习者变得更加自决,他们将提供适当的,不断减少的支持和支持。或m-learning和SRL增强了其他学习因素(例如,健康,课程开发)。而且,移动学习和SRL之间的关系是动态和复杂的。一个主要的建议是有意识地将移动学习和SRL纳入正式课程,由知识渊博,技术精湛的教育者提供指导,随着学习者变得更加自决,他们将提供适当的,不断减少的支持和支持。