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A critique of the Capability Approach’s potential for application to career guidance
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance ( IF 1.928 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10775-020-09445-0
Valerie Egdell , Peter J. Robertson

In this article, we provide a balanced critique of Sen’s Capability Approach (CA) with reference to its potential to inform career guidance theory and practice. There are varying understandings and interpretations of the CA. Some see capabilities as universal, whilst others favour a more relativist view. The CA is also vulnerable to misunderstanding. Critiques based on misunderstanding are easily dismissed, so our focus is on substantive conceptual and practical critiques. Three main challenges are explored: conceptual debates about the nature of freedom and justice; limitations arising from the disciplinary origins of the CA; and challenges in operationalising the CA.



在本文中,我们针对Sen的能力方法(CA)可能为职业指导理论和实践提供信息的可能性进行了平衡的批评。对CA的理解和解释各不相同。一些人认为功能是通用的,而另一些人则更赞成相对主义的观点。CA也容易受到误解。基于误解的批判很容易被驳回,因此我们的重点是实质性的概念和实践批判。探讨了三个主要挑战:关于自由与正义本质的概念性辩论;由CA的学科起源引起的限制; CA运作方面的挑战和挑战。
