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Neuro-stuffed parenthood? Discursive constructions of good parenthood in relation to neuroDiscourse in Flemish social policy documents addressing parents: a case study
European Educational Research Journal ( IF 1.701 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.1177/1474904120979098
Joyce Leysen 1

Accounts focusing on the relation between conceptualisations of parenthood and neuroDiscourse are missing within educational philosophy. This lacuna forms the background of this paper, which reports on a case study on the level of social policy documents addressing parents of the Flemish governmental branch office Kind & Gezin (Child & Family). The case’s focus is a critical analysis of discursive constructions of parenthood, and the extent to which results of neuroscience, as they appear in the documents, exert a change in these discursive constructions of good parenthood. The study deploys critical metaphor analysis to explore the conceptualisations of parenthood that are metaphorically constructed, what these constructions convey about good parenthood, and how they relate to neuroDiscourse. The analysis, firstly, points at neuroDiscourse of parenthood being operational in the documents, but operating in a different manner than that described in the literature. Nevertheless, neuroDiscourse of parenthood exerts a narrowing effect on the way parenthood is conceptualised in parenthood Discourse. Secondly, the analysis exposes the assumption that parenthood advice is best grounded in scientific evidence, facilitating the further occurrence of parenting advice based on neuroscience. Thirdly, in relating Kind & Gezin’s mission of optimal preventive family support to neuroDiscourse of parenthood, the possibility of neuro-governance of parents arises.



教育哲学中缺少有关父母身份和神经话语概念化之间关系的论述。这个空白构成了本文的背景,该论文报告了针对佛兰芒政府分支机构Kind&Gezin(儿童与家庭)父母的社会政策文件水平的案例研究。该案例的重点是对父母的话语结构的批判性分析,以及在文献中出现的神经科学结果对这些良好的父母话语结构的影响程度。这项研究运用批判性的隐喻分析来探索隐喻建构的父母的概念,这些建构传达的关于良好父母的含义以及它们与NeuroDiscourse的关系。首先,分析 指向神经质父母身份的话语在文档中起作用,但其作用方式不同于文献中描述的方式。然而,父母身份的NeuroDiscourse对父母身份话语中概念化父母身份的方式产生了狭窄的影响。其次,该分析暴露了这样的假设,即父母的咨询意见最好以科学证据为基础,从而促进了基于神经科学的父母咨询意见的进一步出现。第三,在将Kind&Gezin的最佳预防性家庭支持的使命与父母的神经话语联系起来时,出现了父母进行神经治理的可能性。父母身份的NeuroDiscourse对父母身份话语中概念化父母身份的方式产生了狭窄的影响。其次,该分析暴露了这样的假设,即父母的咨询意见最好以科学证据为基础,从而促进了基于神经科学的父母咨询意见的进一步出现。第三,在将Kind&Gezin的最佳预防性家庭支持的使命与父母的神经话语联系起来时,出现了父母进行神经治理的可能性。父母身份的NeuroDiscourse对父母身份话语中概念化父母身份的方式产生了狭窄的影响。其次,该分析暴露了这样的假设,即父母的咨询意见最好以科学证据为基础,从而促进了基于神经科学的父母咨询意见的进一步出现。第三,在将Kind&Gezin的最佳预防性家庭支持的使命与父母的神经话语联系起来时,出现了父母进行神经治理的可能性。
