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Chapter 7 A Disappearing World
Journal of Philosophy of Education ( IF 0.949 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-23 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9752.12535

In Part One of Interpreting Kant in Education, a reading of Kant was gradually developed by drawing on interpretations of his key terms and insights from contemporary exegesis and work in the philosophy of mind. This reading is used in Part Two to challenge the widespread ‘Kantian’ picture in education and address familiar criticisms of dualisms, intellectualism and a detached conception of mind. In Chapter Seven, I look at some appropriations of Kant to illustrate the tendency in education to read Kant as a constructivist, with mind seen to be actively structuring the ‘chaos’ of experience and imposing meaning on the brute data of sensory perception. Attention is drawn to conceptions of sensibility and receptivity in Kant's version of idealism in order to distinguish it from such ‘mind‐makes‐nature’ interpretations. Alternative understandings of central concepts of knowledge, previously introduced, continue to be elaborated to further delineate Kant from the ‘Kantian’ Kant typically characterised.


