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A gender‐sensitive approach to U.S. crisis communication for COVID‐19 and beyond
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management ( IF 3.420 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-19 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-5973.12325
Maria Subert 1

Examining the COVID‐19 pandemic communication from a gender perspective is ethically critical and socially timely. Combined with class, it helps us to identify how effective communication has been during this pandemic. This Forum contribution takes a gender‐sensitive approach with the premise that all public health crises are inherently gendered phenomena. Two global initiatives are crucial for our purposes: The United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. Based on the four strategic pillars (prevention, participation, protection, and relief and recovery) we ask the following: “Who (a) is prevented from harm by the COVID‐19 recovery efforts, who (b) is participating in, who (c) receives protection from and who (d) will receive assistance through the COVID‐19 recovery efforts?". We conclude that the COVID‐19 crisis has had its worst effects on the poorest and most vulnerable. During the pandemic, there was a strong military‐style communication limited to government and health professionals that lacked empathy. The gender‐sensitive perspective reflected by UNSCR 1325 and the WPS requires us to give up military masculinity in communication, include more empathy and dialog (mutuality and cooperation), and extend women's participation to reduce the damaging effects of any given crisis on all people.



从性别角度检查COVID-19大流行性传播在道德上至关重要,并且在社会上是及时的。与课堂相结合,它可以帮助我们确定这种大流行期间的有效交流。该论坛的贡献采取了对性别敏感的方法,前提是所有公共卫生危机本质上都是性别现象。两项全球举措对我们的目标至关重要:联合国安全理事会第1325号决议(UNSCR 1325)和妇女,和平与安全(WPS)议程。基于四个战略支柱(预防,参与,保护以及救济和恢复),我们提出以下问题:“ COVID-19的恢复工作阻止了谁(a)受到伤害,谁(b)参与了,谁( c)通过COVID-19的恢复工作得到保护,以及(d)谁将获得帮助?”。我们得出的结论是,COVID-19危机对最贫穷和最脆弱的人群产生了最严重的影响。在大流行期间,只有缺乏同情心的政府和卫生专业人员之间进行了强烈的军事交流。UNSCR 1325和WPS反映出的对性别问题敏感的观点要求我们在交往中放弃军事上的男子气概,包括更多的同理心和对话(相互合作),并扩大妇女的参与以减少任何特定危机对所有人的破坏性影响。