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Colonialism, “efficiency” and development: Re‐examining Puerto Rico's land reform, 1935–1945
Journal of Agrarian Change ( IF 2.902 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-05 , DOI: 10.1111/joac.12400
Diego Ayala‐McCormick 1

Existing historiography on Puerto Rico's agrarian reform programme in the early 1940s fails to explain why the reform resulted in the nationalization of sugar cane plantations and the formation of “Proportional Profit Farms” rather than land redistribution. This analysis examines the interplay between the New Deal and Puerto Rican political forces in the 1930s to help answer this question. It concludes that land redistribution was preferred among local forces and that the Proportional Profit Farms were a result of federal intervention by the New Deal, embodied most clearly in the figure of Rexford Tugwell, Puerto Rico's appointed governor from 1941 to 1946. This intervention calls for a re‐examination of the New Deal's role in Puerto Rico's long‐term economic development in the 20th century, particularly in laying down a model of dependent development and industrialization.



关于波多黎各1940年代初期农业改革计划的现有史学资料未能解释为什么改革导致甘蔗种植园国有化并形成“比例利润农场”而不是土地再分配。该分析考察了1930年代新政与波多黎各政治力量之间的相互作用,以帮助回答这个问题。结论是,土地重新分配是当地部队的首选,而比例利润农场是新政的联邦干预的结果,最清楚地体现在1941年至1946年波多黎各总督雷克斯福德·塔格威尔(Rexford Tugwell)的人物中。这种干预要求重新审视新政在20世纪波多黎各长期经济发展中的作用,