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Dàgáárè (Central)
Journal of the International Phonetic Association ( IF 1.146 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-14 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025100320000225
Alexander Angsongna , Samuel Akinbo

Dàgáárè /dàgááɹɪ̀/ (ISO 639-3) is a Mabia language (Bodomo 1997) of Niger-Congo family. It is spoken by about 1.5 million The map in Figure 1 shows the areas, in northwestern Ghana and southern Burkina Faso, where Dàgáárè is spoken predominantly. There are four broad dialects of Dàgáárè. These include Northern Dàgáárè [dàgàɹà], spoken in Lawra /lóɹáː/, Nandom /nàndɔ̀ː/ and Burkina Faso; Southern Dàgáárè /wáːlɪ́/, spoken around Kaleo /kàlèó/ and in Wa /wá/; Western Dàgáárè /bɪ̀ɹɪ̀fɔ̀/ spoken in Lassie /lààsɪ̀ɛ́/, Tuna /tʊ́ːnà/ and along the western side of the Black Volta river in Burkina Faso. The other dialect is Central Dàgáárè. These broad dialects are further divided into sub-dialects, as there are internal variations in these dialect groups (Bodomo 2000). This paper’s primary focus is on Central Dàgáárè, which comprises the varieties spoken in and around Jirapa /ʤɪ̀ɹɛ́bǎː/, Han /hɛ̌ŋ/, Ullo /úlò/, Daffiama /dàfɪ̀ɛ́mɛ́/, Nadowli /nàdòlí/, Charikpong /tʃɛ̀ɹɪ̀kpóŋ/, Sombo /sʊ̀mbɔ́/ and Duong /dùóŋ/.



Dàgáárè /dàgááɹɪ̀/ (ISO 639-3) 是尼日尔-刚果语系的马比亚语 (Bodomo 1997)。大约有 150 万人说达加雷语 图 1 中的地图显示了加纳西北部和布基纳法索南部的地区,这些地区主要使用达加雷语。Dàgáárè 有四种广泛的方言。其中包括 Northern Dàgáárè [dàgàɹà],在劳拉 /lóɹáː/、南多姆 /nàndɔ̀ː/ 和布基纳法索使用;南部 Dàgáárè /wáːlɪ́/,在 Kaleo /kàlèó/ 和佤邦 /wá/ 周围使用;西部 Dàgáárè /bɪ̀ɹɪ̀fɔ̀/ 在 Lassie /lààsɪ̀ɛ́/、金枪鱼 /tʊ́ːnà/ 以及布基纳法索的黑沃尔特河西侧使用。另一种方言是中央达加雷。这些广泛的方言进一步分为子方言,因为这些方言组之间存在内部差异(Bodomo 2000)。本文的主要焦点是中央 Dàgáárè,
