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In search of a “home”: Comparing the housing challenges experienced by recently arrived Yazidi and Syrian refugees in Canada
Applied Psycholinguistics ( IF 1.828 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1017/s0142716420000478
Pallabi Bhattacharyya , Sally Ogoe , Annette Riziki , Lori Wilkinson

Housing that is affordable and appropriate is a necessity for successful integration for all newcomers. It is not uncommon for newcomers to Canada to report difficulties finding suitable, safe, and affordable housing for their families. For refugees, however, the challenges are sometimes greater. Settlement organizations and refugee sponsors experience various challenges in accommodating families with large numbers of children, but as our research shows, refugee groups have differing needs based on their culture, family composition, and experience of trauma. Using data collected from two recent studies, we identify and compare the housing needs of two newly arrived groups of refugees to Canada: Syrians and Yazidis from northern Iraq. All participants in our study have lived in Canada for 2 years or less and currently live in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or Ontario. Data was collected either by face-to-face surveys (with Syrian participants) or unstructured interviews (with Yazidi women) conducted in Arabic, Kurmanji, or English. We discuss their experiences of living in resettlement centers and their transition to independent housing. In addition, we discuss how family composition and previous trauma influence their housing experiences with special attention to how increasing agency increases satisfaction with housing.



负担得起且合适的住房是所有新移民成功融入社会的必要条件。加拿大新移民报告难以为其家人找到合适、安全和负担得起的住房的情况并不少见。然而,对于难民来说,挑战有时更大。安置组织和难民资助者在安置有大量孩子的家庭时遇到了各种挑战,但正如我们的研究表明,难民群体根据他们的文化、家庭组成和创伤经历有不同的需求。使用从最近两项研究中收集的数据,我们确定并比较了两个新抵达加拿大的难民群体的住房需求:叙利亚人和来自伊拉克北部的雅兹迪人。我们研究的所有参与者都在加拿大生活了 2 年或更短时间,目前居住在萨斯喀彻温省的艾伯塔省,马尼托巴省或安大略省。通过面对面调查(与叙利亚参与者)或以阿拉伯语、库尔曼吉语或英语进行的非结构化访谈(与雅兹迪妇女)收集数据。我们讨论了他们在安置中心生活的经历以及他们向独立住房的过渡。此外,我们讨论了家庭组成和以前的创伤如何影响他们的住房经历,并特别关注增加代理权如何提高对住房的满意度。