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Fostering pre-service teachers’ knowledge of ‘teaching games for understanding’ via video-based vs. text-based teaching examples
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy ( IF 4.638 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2020.1850668
Tim Heemsoth 1 , Leif Boe 1 , Frederik Bükers 1 , Claus Krieger 1



A topical research question is how pre-service teachers develop professional competencies with regard to game-centered approaches such as ‘Teaching Games for Understanding’ (TGfU). In this context, research on teacher education assumes reflection on teaching examples – including real-life classroom practices – to have positive effects on teachers’ professional development. The role of media used in such examples is unclear, however. While text-based teaching examples might be more favorable for novice learners due to a step-by-step presentation of information, video-based examples that capture the complexity and reality of teaching situations might better foster the learning of advanced pre-service teachers.


In a field experiment, we taught principles of TGfU to 136 undergraduate physical education (PE) pre-service teachers and randomly assigned them to three conditions: they either reflected by themselves on a video-based or on a text-based teaching example or completed an open-ended planning-task. For the video-based example, a PE teacher and his class staged different scenes of a teaching unit following a script that focused on ‘badminton-like’ games considering steps and pedagogical principles of TGfU. The video-based example was transcribed and converted into a text-based example. Before the intervention, we assessed the pre-service teachers’ knowledge of game-centered approaches. After the intervention, we measured their knowledge of TGfU and affective-motivational variables (interest, challenge, enjoyment, annoyance).


The participants had a (rather low) comparable knowledge before the intervention. After the intervention, we found that reflecting on the video-based example had increased the knowledge of TGfU more than reflecting on the text-based example or completing an open-ended planning-task (medium effect). We found no interaction effect of prior knowledge and condition on the knowledge of TGfU at posttest. Participants with a video-based example reported higher interest and enjoyment after the intervention (medium effect). All other affective-motivational variables did not show significant differences.


Other studies concentrating on teaching in classrooms found that text-based examples fostered pre-service teachers’ competencies better than video-based examples if they had rather low prior knowledge. One explanation for the present finding could refer to the specific field of study: For novice PE pre-service teachers the supposed benefit of text-based teaching examples does not advance the learning process more than the supposed benefit of video-based examples (realistic display of constitutional aspects of PE). Since interest is closely related to (intrinsic) motivation, and the learners’ motivation is fostered by realistic and authentic context, our finding regarding the condition effect on interest and enjoyment is consistent with assumptions of situated learning theory. Higher motivation, in turn, could lead to a more elaborate analysis of the video-based example, which may ultimately explain the higher level of knowledge, too.


The current findings indicate that video-based examples are a very promising means for PE teacher education. This refers in particular to autonomous work in teacher education because in the present study the pre-service teachers reflected on the teaching examples by themselves.







在现场实验中,我们向 136 名本科体育 (PE) 职前教师讲授了 TGfU 的原理,并将他们随机分配到三个条件:他们要么在基于视频或基于文本的教学示例中自行反映,要么完成一个开放式的计划任务。对于基于视频的示例,体育老师和他的班级按照脚本上演了教学单元的不同场景,该脚本侧重于考虑 TGfU 的步骤和教学原则的“类似羽毛球”的游戏。基于视频的示例被转录并转换为基于文本的示例。在干预之前,我们评估了职前教师对以游戏为中心的方法的了解。干预后,我们测量了他们对 TGfU 和情感动机变量(兴趣、挑战、享受、烦恼)的了解。


参与者在干预前具有(相当低的)可比知识。干预后,我们发现反思基于视频的例子比反思基于文本的例子或完成一个开放式计划任务(中等效果)更能增加对 TGfU 的知识。我们在后测中没有发现先验知识和条件对 TGfU 知识的交互作用。具有基于视频示例的参与者在干预后报告了更高的兴趣和享受(中等效果)。所有其他情感-动机变量没有显示出显着差异。




