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What physical education becomes when pupils with neurodevelopmental disorders are integrated: a transactional understanding
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy ( IF 4.638 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2020.1834525
Anna Thoren 1 , Mikael Quennerstedt 1 , Ninitha Maivorsdotter 2



Previous research on inclusive physical education (PE) has often focused on pupils with visible physical disabilities and how best to facilitate and adapt PE so that they can play an active role in the educational situation. Many lessons about inclusion have emerged from this important field. However, less is known about more ‘invisible’ variations. In Sweden, many pupils who are diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), are integrated into mainstream classes. These pupils are often more sensitive to demands and stressful situations and struggle to decode social interactions. When it comes to lessons in PE, little is known about how pupils with NDD experience the educational situation and what they need to do to be successful in PE.


The aim of this article is to explore what PE practices become in classes in which pupils with NDD are integrated in terms of inclusion or exclusion processes. Drawing on the work of John Dewey, we suggest a transactional perspective on inclusion. This facilitates a non-dualistic exploration of inclusive PE and makes it possible to take the experiences of pupils with NDD and their peers into account.


In the article we use a transactional framework with a focus on experience, meaning-making and habits using the following analytical questions: (i) What are the experiences of integrated PE? (ii) How do these events appear as inclusive? (iii) How do they appear as exclusive? The data generation consisted of 9 field observations and 13 individual interviews with pupils aged between 10 and 11 years in three classes in two different schools in one municipality. The municipality was awarded a grant by the Swedish authorities to work towards the creation of more favourable school situations for pupils with NDD. Three classes in which pupils with NDD diagnoses were integrated in PE were selected.


The study identified four PE practices in which inclusion and exclusion processes were prominent: (i) to organise, (ii) to cooperate, (iii) to sweat and (iv) to win. ‘To organise’ is a comprehensive practice that is transactionally identified and foregrounded by teachers’ actions. The other three are embedded in the practice ‘to organise’, which foregrounds pupils’ actions. The study shows that pupils are included in a certain kind of PE practice when it becomes an organised practice of sweating, competing and cooperating.


The study reveals that some of the inclusive practices that are designed to support pupils with NDD exclude other pupils with or without NDD. Accordingly, working in an integrated way can be both inclusive and exclusive. It would thus seem that successful inclusive education in PE is as much about group dynamics as about ‘individual pupils with problems’. In order to achieve inclusion, teachers need to focus on actively communicating with pupils, colleagues and parents, on how and what to teach and on what students are supposed to learn.





以前关于全纳体育 (PE) 的研究通常侧重于有明显身体残疾的学生以及如何最好地促进和适应体育教育,以便他们能够在教育环境中发挥积极作用。从这个重要领域中得出了许多关于包容性的经验教训。然而,人们对更多的“隐形”变化知之甚少。在瑞典,许多被诊断出患有神经发育障碍 (NDD),例如注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 或自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 的学生被纳入主流班级。这些学生通常对需求和压力情况更敏感,并且难以解读社交互动。当谈到体育课时,对于患有 NDD 的学生如何体验教育状况以及他们需要做什么才能在体育课上取得成功,我们知之甚少。


本文的目的是探索在包含或排除过程中整合了 NDD 学生的课堂中体育实践会变成什么样。借鉴约翰杜威的工作,我们建议从交易的角度来看待包容性。这促进了对包容性体育的非二元探索,并使考虑到患有 NDD 的学生及其同龄人的经历成为可能。


在这篇文章中,我们使用了一个交易框架,重点关注经验意义制定习惯,并使用以下分析问题:(i) 综合 PE 的经验是什么?(ii) 这些事件如何显得具有包容性?(iii) 它们如何显得具有排他性?数据生成包括 9 次实地观察和 13 次单独访谈,对一个城市的两所不同学校的三个班级的 10 至 11 岁学生进行。该市获得瑞典当局的资助,致力于为患有 NDD 的学生创造更有利的学校环境。选择了三个将 NDD 诊断的学生纳入 PE 的班级。


该研究确定了四种包含和排斥过程突出的体育实践:(i) 组织,(ii) 合作,(iii) 出汗和 (iv) 获胜。“组织”是一种全面的实践,它被教师的行动所识别和前景化。其他三个都嵌入在“组织”实践中,它突出了学生的行动。研究表明,当某种体育实践成为一种有组织的、有组织的、有组织的、竞争和合作的实践时,学生就会被纳入某种体育实践中。


该研究表明,一些旨在支持患有 NDD 的学生的包容性做法将其他患有或不患有 NDD 的学生排除在外。因此,以综合方式工作既可以是包容性的,也可以是排他性的。因此,成功的体育包容性教育似乎与“有问题的个别学生”一样,都与群体动力有关。为了实现包容,教师需要专注于与学生、同事和家长积极沟通,讨论如何教、教什么以及学生应该学什么。
