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The French language: monocentric or pluricentric? Standard language ideology and attitudes towards the French language in twentieth-century language columns in Quebec
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ( IF 1.961 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1839085
Olivia Walsh 1


Quebec has a tradition of language columns, articles discussing questions related to the French language produced by a single author and published regularly in the periodical press. This study examines the content and discourse of a sample of these language columns produced by six authors in Quebec during the twentieth century to explore possible changes over time in the variety of French viewed as the standard or ideal French to aspire to. The article explicitly examines this question from the perspective of pluricentricity, little discussed in work on language columns to date, to test the hypothesis that there is a change over time from a strongly monocentric view of the standard to a somewhat more pluricentric view. The results show that while all the authors of language columns examined here adhere in varying degrees to a monocentric view of standard French, there is nonetheless a shift over the course of the century towards an acceptance of a more pluricentric model of standard French. These findings show the value of a small-scale, detailed qualitative approach in highlighting issues that deserve to be further explored.


法语:单中心还是多中心?魁北克 20 世纪语言专栏中对法语的标准语言意识形态和态度


魁北克有语言专栏的传统,文章讨论与法语相关的问题,由一位作者制作并定期在期刊出版。本研究调查了 20 世纪魁北克六位作者制作的这些语言专栏样本的内容和话语,以探索被视为标准或理想法语的法语随着时间的推移可能发生的变化。这篇文章从多中心性的角度明确地研究了这个问题,迄今为止在语言专栏的工作中很少讨论,以检验随着时间的推移,标准的强烈单中心观点发生变化的假设。结果表明,虽然这里考察的所有语言专栏作者都在不同程度上坚持标准法语的单中心观点,但在本世纪的过程中,人们开始接受标准法语的多中心模式。这些发现显示了小规模、详细的定性方法在突出值得进一步探讨的问题方面的价值。
