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Understanding climate trends in Central America through practical problem-based learning
Journal of Geography in Higher Education ( IF 1.727 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2020.1833318
Natasha Sekhon 1 , Tim Beach 2 , Samantha Krause 3 , Sara Eshleman 2


In our current period of escalating climate change, we urgently need to better understand the modern climate and climate drivers in understudied regions of the world. This article provides a succinct and current literature review of one such region: the Maya Lowlands. The region has a long history of study on human–climatic interaction but little regarding modern climate research. To spur the study and understanding of climate in this region, we present an applied exercise of climate drivers and data. First, the article will provide an update on the current knowledge of the modern climate drivers in the Maya Lowland regions. To provide breadth in the studies, we base our review on different climate time-scale variabilities. Second, we present results from a pilot exercise on applied climate trends exercised at an institute of higher education. Through practical problem-based learning, students investigate climate trends using climate data for the Maya Lowlands, and gain an insight into data management. The feedback gathered from the exercise helped formulate a revised edition to be used by instructors. Follow-up discussion questions and steps required to conduct the exercise are included. Through interdisciplinary techniques, the exercise aims for students to analyse critically the changing climate.




在当前气候变化加剧的时期,我们迫切需要更好地了解世界上被研究不足的地区的现代气候和气候驱动因素。本文提供了有关这样一个地区(玛雅低地)的简要而最新的文献综述。该地区人类与气候相互作用的研究历史悠久,但有关现代气候研究的研究却很少。为了促进对该地区气候的研究和理解,我们提出了气候驱动因素和数据的应用演练。首先,本文将提供有关Maya Lowland地区现代气候驱动因素的最新知识的最新信息。为了提供研究的广度,我们基于不同的气候时间尺度变化进行综述。其次,我们介绍了在高等教育机构中进行的关于应用气候趋势的试点工作的结果。通过基于问题的实际学习,学生可以使用Maya Lowlands的气候数据调查气候趋势,并深入了解数据管理。从练习中收集的反馈意见有助于制定修订版,供教员使用。包括后续讨论问题和进行练习所需的步骤。通过跨学科技术,该练习旨在让学生批判性地分析不断变化的气候。
