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Towards a didactic model for multidisciplinary teaching - a didactic analysis of multidisciplinary cases in Finnish primary schools
Journal of Curriculum Studies ( IF 2.175 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-12 , DOI: 10.1080/00220272.2020.1827044
Nina Mård 1 , Charlotta Hilli 1


This article investigates multidisciplinary teaching practices through models of General Didactics. Multidisciplinary education is gaining interest on international and national levels through policy reforms. Research on multidisciplinary teaching practices is often descriptive and there is a lack of theories to support teachers. General Didactics on the other hand builds on a long tradition of models and concepts (e.g., content, aims, and methods) relevant for the autonomous teacher who reflects on how to structure and execute the teaching practice. The didactic models of Wolfgang Klafki and Wolfgang Schulz were used when analysing two cases of multidisciplinary teaching in two Finnish primary schools. The question addressed is in what ways General Didactic principles, as defined by Klafki and Schulz, can be identified in the multidisciplinary teaching practices. The method of study is comparative, thematic analysis. The article suggests a theoretically and empirically informed didactic model for multidisciplinary teaching. Identified framing factors (school culture, collaboration, curricula) and shaping factors (subjects, competences, values and aims of education, student needs and interests, contemporary issues, methods) are included in the model for multidisciplinary teaching. The model may support teachers in planning and reflecting on multidisciplinary teaching. To strenghten its validity, the model needs to be empirically tested in different educational contexts.




本文通过通用教学模型研究了多学科的教学实践。通过政策改革,国际和国家一级的多学科教育正在引起人们的兴趣。对多学科教学实践的研究通常是描述性的,缺乏支持教师的理论。另一方面,通用教学法建立在与自主教师有关的模型和概念(例如内容,目标和方法)的悠久传统的基础上,后者反思如何组织和执行教学实践。在分析芬兰两所小学的两个多学科教学案例时,使用了Wolfgang Klafki和Wolfgang Schulz的教学模型。解决的问题是,按照克拉夫基和舒尔茨的定义,通用教学原则是以什么方式 可以在多学科教学实践中找到。研究方法是比较性的主题分析。本文提出了一种用于多学科教学的理论和经验知识的教学模型。确定的框架因素(学校文化,合作,课程)和塑造因素(主题,能力,价值观和教育目标,学生的需求和兴趣,当代问题,方法)都包括在多学科教学模型中。该模型可以支持教师规划和反思多学科教学。为了加强其有效性,该模型需要在不同的教育环境中进行经验检验。本文提出了一种用于多学科教学的理论和经验知识的教学模型。确定的框架因素(学校文化,合作,课程)和塑造因素(主题,能力,价值观和教育目标,学生的需求和兴趣,当代问题,方法)都包括在多学科教学模型中。该模型可以支持教师规划和反思多学科教学。为了加强其有效性,该模型需要在不同的教育环境中进行经验检验。本文提出了一种用于多学科教学的理论和经验知识的教学模型。确定的框架因素(学校文化,合作,课程)和塑造因素(主题,能力,价值观和教育目标,学生的需求和兴趣,当代问题,方法)都包括在多学科教学模型中。该模型可以支持教师规划和反思多学科教学。为了加强其有效性,该模型需要在不同的教育环境中进行经验检验。该模型可以支持教师规划和反思多学科教学。为了加强其有效性,该模型需要在不同的教育环境中进行经验检验。该模型可以支持教师规划和反思多学科教学。为了加强其有效性,该模型需要在不同的教育环境中进行经验检验。
