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The Effectiveness of Special Education Training Programs for Parents of Children with Disabilities: A Systematic Literature Review
Exceptionality ( IF 1.253 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-22 , DOI: 10.1080/09362835.2020.1850455
Kristina Rios 1 , Meghan M. Burke 1


Family-professional partnership is an essential component of the special education process for children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD). However, many families face barriers to participation in the special education process. Latino families especially face systemic barriers when participating in educational decision-making for their children with IDD. Notably, parent programs have been developed to facilitate parent participation in educational decision-making. However, it is unclear whether such programs are culturally responsive to Latino families. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to explore the literature about interventions to support families of children with IDD in improving: special knowledge, advocacy, empowerment, or access to services. Altogether, 21 studies were identified. Of the 21 studies, there were 12 unique interventions. Findings revealed that parent program interventions may yield positive effects on knowledge, advocacy, and empowerment but little is known about access to services. In addi`tion, most of the interventions used a train-the-trainer model and relied on a cohort program. Notably, interventions did not proportionately include Latino individuals nor did they make basic efforts to include Latino individuals. This review has implications for research and practice.




家庭-专业伙伴关系是智力和/或发育障碍 (IDD) 儿童特殊教育过程的重要组成部分。然而,许多家庭在参与特殊教育过程中面临障碍。拉丁裔家庭在为 IDD 儿童参与教育决策时尤其面临系统性障碍。值得注意的是,家长计划的开发旨在促进家长参与教育决策。然而,尚不清楚此类计划是否对拉丁裔家庭具有文化响应。本系统文献综述的目的是探索有关支持 IDD 儿童家庭改善的干预措施的文献:特殊知识、倡导、赋权或获得服务。总共确定了 21 项研究。在 21 项研究中,有 12 项独特的干预措施。调查结果显示,家长计划干预可能会对知识、宣传和赋权产生积极影响,但对获得服务知之甚少。此外,大多数干预措施使用培训师培训模型并依赖于队列计划。值得注意的是,干预措施没有按比例包括拉丁裔个体,也没有做出基本努力来包括拉丁裔个体。这篇综述对研究和实践有影响。干预措施没有按比例包括拉丁裔个体,也没有做出基本努力来包括拉丁裔个体。这篇综述对研究和实践有影响。干预措施没有按比例包括拉丁裔个人,也没有做出基本努力来包括拉丁裔个人。这篇综述对研究和实践有影响。
