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Subtle forms of prejudice in Greek day-care centres. Early childhood educators’ attitudes towards same-sex marriage and children’s adjustment in same-sex families
European Journal of Developmental Psychology ( IF 1.807 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-21 , DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2020.1835636
Grigoropoulos Iraklis 1


This study explored Greek early childhood educators’ attitudes towards same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting. It was hypothesized that participants with more negative attitudes towards same-sex parenting will have more negative attitudes towards same-sex marriage as well. The associations between these attitudes and demographic, psychological and personality variables were also examined. Two standardized scales, attitudes towards same-sex marriage scale (ATSSM) and children’s adjustment in same-sex families (SBCASSF) were used to assess the educators’ beliefs. Two hundred (200) early childhood educators participated in the study (Mage = 46.78, SD = 8.87). Results indicated that early childhood educators with more negative attitudes towards same-sex marriage were older, more experienced, highly religious, without any contact with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) individuals and had negative attitudes towards same-sex parenting. Multiple regression analysis showed that normative opposition (NO – subscale of SBCASSF) and contact with LGBTQ+ individuals were significant predictors of educators’ attitudes towards same-sex marriage. The results of this study could have an impact on reducing prejudice towards same-sex parented families in the education systems and contribute to their social inclusivity.




本研究探讨了希腊幼儿教育工作者对同性婚姻和同性育儿的态度。假设对同性育儿持更消极态度的参与者对同性婚姻也有更多消极态度。还研究了这些态度与人口统计学、心理和个性变量之间的关联。两个标准化量表,同性婚姻态度量表(ATSSM)和同性家庭儿童适应量表(SBCASSF)被用来评估教育者的信念。两百 (200) 名幼儿教育工作者参与了这项研究(M年龄 = 46.78,SD = 8.87)。结果表明,对同性婚姻持消极态度的幼儿教育工作者年龄较大、经验丰富、宗教信仰高,与女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、变性者、酷儿 (LGBTQ+) 个人没有任何接触,对同性育儿持消极态度. 多元回归分析表明,规范性反对(NO – SBCASSF 分量表)和与 LGBTQ+ 个体的接触是教育者对同性婚姻态度的重要预测因素。这项研究的结果可能会对减少教育系统中对同性父母家庭的偏见产生影响,并有助于他们的社会包容性。
