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School dropout in primary schools in rural Cambodia: school-level and student-level factors
Asia Pacific Journal of Education ( IF 1.478 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-23 , DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2020.1832042
Yukiko Hirakawa 1 , Kyoko Taniguchi 2


Reducing dropout rates is a major issue in Cambodia. This study examined the effects of school-level and student-level factors on dropout in rural Cambodian primary schools. We collected data of the same students over 3 years by visiting the same school. We used questionnaires for students and parents, checklists of school facilities, checklists of teacher characteristics and Khmer language and mathematics tests achievement as research tools. We found that the effect size of the school was small: students who dropped out had similar characteristics – even when dropout rates varied among schools. At the school level, teacher absence in both cohorts, mean interaction with teachers in higher-grade cohorts, and mean test achievement in lower-grade cohorts were significantly associated with dropout. At the student level, age at first school entry in both cohorts were significantly associated with dropout. In cohort 1, gender, relative achievement in class, parental educational attainment, economic status, parents’ educational aspiration, and school distance were related to dropout. In cohort 2, repetition experience, absence, educational aspiration, teacher interaction, living with parents, and time spent helping the family were related to dropout. Reducing teacher absence and late school entry were key factors of preventing from dropping out of school.




降低辍学率是柬埔寨的一个主要问题。本研究考察了学校层面和学生层面因素对柬埔寨农村小学辍学的影响。我们通过访问同一所学校收集了 3 年内相同学生的数据。我们使用针对学生和家长的问卷、学校设施清单、教师特征清单以及高棉语和数学测试成绩作为研究工具。我们发现学校的影响很小:辍学的学生具有相似的特征——即使辍学率因学校而异。在学校层面,两个队列的教师缺勤、与高年级队列教师的平均互动以及低年级队列的平均考试成绩都与辍学显着相关。在学生层面,两个队列的第一次入学年龄都与辍学显着相关。在队列1中,性别、班级相对成就、父母受教育程度、经济状况、父母的教育愿望和学校距离与辍学有关。在队列 2 中,重复经历、缺勤、教育愿望、教师互动、与父母同住以及帮助家庭的时间与辍学有关。减少教师缺勤和迟到是防止辍学的关键因素。教师互动、与父母同住以及帮助家庭的时间与辍学有关。减少教师缺勤和迟到是防止辍学的关键因素。教师互动、与父母同住以及帮助家庭的时间与辍学有关。减少教师缺勤和迟到是防止辍学的关键因素。
