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Disrupting the 'boys don't read' discourse: Primary school boys who love reading fiction
British Educational Research Journal  ( IF 2.133 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-03 , DOI: 10.1002/berj.3685
Laura Scholes 1 , Nerida Spina 2 , Barbara Comber 3

This article disrupts dominant discourses around boys and reading that often homogenise young males as reluctant, disengaged and, at times, adversarial readers. Rather than essentialising boys, we argue there is a need for a more sophisticated knowledge base about the influences, constraints and diverse experiences of boys as readers in society today. Drawing on interviews (n = 30) with Year 4 (8 to 9‐year‐old) boys at six schools, we consider their personal recounts of their enjoyment in reading, their preferred reading choices and narratives related to their experiences as readers at school. Analysis highlights boys' emerging reading interests, sophisticated and specific reading preferences, and changes in reading identities over time. Boys' preferences for particular fiction authors, novel series and genres dispute the common assumption in educational contexts that boys prefer to engage with non‐fiction books. This finding is significant, as negative gendered stereotypes can impact on boys' reading self‐concepts. It is also critical given Jerrim and Moss's recent research highlighting the importance of fiction in the development of reading skills. We consider implications for pedagogical practices that broaden reading experiences for the diversity of emerging masculine reading identities in nations such as Australia, where there is an absence of reading for pleasure in education policies.



这篇文章打破了围绕男孩和阅读的主流话语,这些话语通常将年轻男性同质化为不情愿、不投入、有时甚至是敌对的读者。我们认为,与其将男孩本质化,不如说需要更复杂的知识库,了解男孩作为当今社会读者的影响、约束和多样化经历。通过对六所学校 4 年级(8 至 9 岁)男孩的访谈(n = 30),我们考虑了他们对阅读乐趣的个人叙述、他们偏爱的阅读选择以及与他们在学校读书的经历相关的叙述. 分析突出了男孩新兴的阅读兴趣、复杂而具体的阅读偏好以及阅读身份随时间的变化。男孩对特定小说作者的偏好,小说系列和流派对男孩更喜欢阅读非小说类书籍的教育环境中的普遍假设提出了质疑。这一发现意义重大,因为负面的性别刻板印象会影响男孩的阅读自我概念。鉴于 Jerrim 和 Moss 最近的研究强调了小说在阅读技能发展中的重要性,这也很重要。我们考虑了教育实践的影响,这些实践扩大了阅读体验,以适应澳大利亚等国家新兴的男性阅读身份的多样性,在这些国家,教育政策中缺乏以愉悦为目的的阅读。最近的研究强调了小说在阅读技能发展中的重要性。我们考虑了对教育实践的影响,这些实践扩大了阅读体验,以适应澳大利亚等国家新兴的男性阅读身份的多样性,那里的教育政策缺乏阅读乐趣。最近的研究强调了小说在阅读技能发展中的重要性。我们考虑了教育实践的影响,这些实践扩大了阅读体验,以适应澳大利亚等国家新兴的男性阅读身份的多样性,在这些国家,教育政策中缺乏以愉悦为目的的阅读。