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Markups and Income Inequality: Causal Links, 1975-2011
Journal of Comparative Economics ( IF 2.429 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jce.2020.12.002
Minsoo Han , Ju Hyun Pyun

Abstract Using data for 20 countries during 1975–2011, this study provides new evidence on the association between the lack of competition, measured by an increase in markups, and income inequality. We find that an increase in markups is positively associated with rising income inequality. More interestingly, not only do extra profits from higher markups accrue to the top-income group, but also, within the top-income group (top 10%), the higher top-income earners (top 1%) tend to benefit disproportionately more than the lower top-income earners (top 5% or 10%). Finally, we highlight the role of labor market policies; the positive relationship between markups and income inequality is less pronounced in countries with better labor protection such as the statutory protection and power of labor unions, generous unemployment benefits, and mandatory minimum wages.



摘要 本研究使用 1975-2011 年 20 个国家的数据,为缺乏竞争(以加价幅度的增加衡量)与收入不平等之间的关联提供了新的证据。我们发现加价幅度的增加与收入不平等的加剧呈正相关。更有趣的是,不仅最高收入群体会从更高的加价中获得额外的利润,而且在最高收入群体(前 10%)中,较高的最高收入者(前 1%)往往受益更多高于收入较低的高收入者(前 5% 或 10%)。最后,我们强调劳动力市场政策的作用;在劳动保护较好的国家,如工会的法定保护和权力、丰厚的失业救济金,加价与收入不平等之间的正相关关系不太明显,