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Is emigration worth the trouble? Satisfaction with life, group identifications, perceived discrimination, and socio-economic status of immigrants and stayers
International Journal of Intercultural Relations ( IF 2.938 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijintrel.2020.11.012
Eugene Tartakovsky , Eduard Patrakov , Marina Nikulina

In the present study, we examined satisfaction with life (SWL), group identifications, perceived discrimination, and socio-economic status among immigrants and stayers. The study had two main objectives: 1) to test the morbidity and salutary hypotheses of immigration by comparing the psycho-social characteristics of immigrants and stayers; 2) to test a resource model of well-being among immigrants and stayers by investigating the effect of different resources and stressors on SWL. The study was conducted using a random representative sample of first-generation immigrants from the Former Soviet Union to Israel (n = 400) and a not-random large and geographically dispersed sample of Jews staying in Russia (n = 935). The comparison of immigrants and stayers revealed that immigration is a mixed blessing, salutary in some aspects and onerous in others. In general, immigrants were more satisfied with their life than stayers. In addition, identification with the country of residence was stronger among immigrants than stayers. However, immigrants reported a higher level of perceived discrimination, and their socio-economic status was lower than that of stayers. Socio-economic status, identification with the country of residence, and perceived discrimination were directly connected to SWL among immigrants and stayers. In addition, among stayers, identification with the ethnic minority group was connected to SWL, while among immigrants, identification with the country of origin was not connected to SWL. Socio-economic status and perceived discrimination also affected SWL indirectly, through their connections to identification with the country of residence among immigrants and stayers and through their connection to ethnic identification among stayers.



在本研究中,我们研究了移民和居留者对生活的满意度(SWL),群体认同,感知的歧视以及社会经济状况。该研究有两个主要目标:1)通过比较移民和居留者的社会心理特征,检验移民的发病率和有益的假设;2)通过调查不同资源和压力因素对SWL的影响,测试移民和住宿者的幸福感资源模型。该研究使用了从前苏联到以色列的第一代移民的随机代表性样本(n = 400)和在俄罗斯居住的犹太人的随机分布且地理分布不分散的样本(n = 935)。移民与居留者的比较表明,移民是好运,在某些方面是有益的,而在其他方面则是繁重的。一般而言,移民对生活的满意度要比对居住者更为满意。此外,在移民中对居住国的认同要强于在住者。但是,移民报告的歧视程度较高,其社会经济地位低于居留者。社会经济地位,对居住国的身份认同以及可察觉的歧视与移民和居留者的SWL直接相关。此外,在住宿者中,少数族裔的身份与SWL有关,而在移民中,与原籍国的身份与SWL不相关。社会经济地位和可察觉的歧视也间接影响了SWL,
