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Nailed to the craton: Stratigraphic continuity across the southeastern Canadian Cordillera with tectonic implications for ribbon continent models
Geology ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1130/g48060.1
M.E. McMechan 1 , K.G. Root 2 , P.S. Simony 3 , D.R.M. Pattison 3

Cambrian and Upper Devonian to Mississippian strata can be confidently traced westward, without strike-slip offset, from the autochthonous section above North American basement into the southeastern Canadian Cordillera, and are thus “nailed” to the craton. These strata are in turn stratigraphically pinned to older (Mesoproterozoic Belt-Purcell Supergroup, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, and Ediacaran), intermediate-aged (Ordovician–Silurian), and younger (Permian to Middle Jurassic) strata found only in the mountains, thus linking them to the adjacent autochthonous craton. The overlapping distribution of linking successions, regionally traceable unique stratigraphic horizons in the Belt-Purcell and Windermere Supergroups, and across-strike stratigraphic features show that the entire Cariboo, northern Selkirk, Purcell, and Rocky Mountains are directly tied to the adjacent North American craton without discernible strike-slip or oblique displacement, or substantial purely convergent plate-scale (>400 km) horizontal displacement. They link the entire width of the Belt-Purcell and Windermere basins in the southeastern Canadian Cordillera to the adjacent craton and show that any proposed Cretaceous ribbon continent suture, with its thousands of kilometers of proposed displacement, cannot run through the southeastern Canadian Cordillera.



从北美基底以上的自生地带到加拿大东南部的科迪勒拉山脉,可以很确定地向寒武纪和上泥盆统到密西西比的地层向西追踪,而没有走滑偏移。这些地层反过来被地层固定到仅在山上发现的较旧的(中元古代带-珀塞尔带超级集团,新元古代的温德米尔超集团和埃迪亚卡拉安),中年(奥陶纪-西陆纪)和较年轻的(二叠纪至中侏罗纪)地层,从而联系起来。他们到相邻的土生克拉通。相连演替的重叠分布,贝尔特-珀瑟尔和温德米尔超群中区域可追踪的独特地层以及跨层走向地层特征表明,整个Cariboo,塞尔凯克北部,珀塞尔,落基山脉和落基山脉直接与相邻的北美克拉通相连,而没有明显的走滑或倾斜位移,也没有明显的纯会聚板块规模(> 400 km)水平位移。他们将加拿大东南部山脉的贝尔特-珀塞尔盆地和温德米尔盆地的整个宽度与相邻的克拉通相连,并表明任何提议的白垩纪带状大陆缝合线及其数千公里的拟议位移都不能穿过加拿大东南部的山脉。