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Feeding ecology of the wolf ( Canis lupus ) in a near-natural ecosystem in Mongolia
Mammalian Biology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s42991-020-00093-z
Nina Tiralla , Maika Holzapfel , Hermann Ansorge

The increasing animosity towards wolves (Canis lupus) by livestock-keeping nomads in Mongolia and the accompanying conflicts highlight the urgent need for knowledge about the feeding behavior of wolves, since information on the feeding ecology of wolves in Mongolia is rare, especially in the mountain taiga and mountain forest steppe regions of Northern Mongolia. Those regions are characterized by a relatively high wildlife diversity and are sparsely populated by humans. To face this problem, 137 wolf scats were collected in the Khentii Mountain range in Northern Mongolia between 2008 and 2012. Almost all wolf faeces contained remnants of wild ungulates, which made up 89% of the consumed biomass. Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) was the most important and positively selected prey species. It was followed by red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boar (Sus scrofa), which was negatively selected by wolves. Wolves also fed on buffer prey species such as lagomorphs and small mammals. No evidence of domestic ungulates was found in the wolf diet. Thus, near-natural habitats with a diverse fauna of wild animals are important to limit livestock depredation.


蒙古近自然生态系统中狼(Canis lupus)的觅食生态

蒙古饲养牲畜的游牧民族对狼(Canis lupus)的仇恨与日俱增,以及随之而来的冲突凸显了对狼的摄​​食行为的了解的迫切需要,因为关于蒙古狼的摄食生态学的信息很少,尤其是在山区蒙古北部的针叶林和山区森林草原地区。这些地区的特点是野生动植物种类繁多,人烟稀少。为了解决这个问题,2008年至2012年之间,在蒙古北部的Khentii山脉收集了137只狼粪。几乎所有的狼粪都含有野生有蹄类动物的残余物,占消耗的生物量的89%。西伯利亚ro(Capreolus pygargus)是最重要且积极选择的猎物。其次是马鹿(Cervus elaphus)和野猪(Sus scrofa),它们被狼否定了。狼还以缓冲猎物为食,例如泻湖动物和小型哺乳动物。在狼的饮食中没有发现有蹄类动物的迹象。因此,具有多种野生动物的近自然栖息地对于限制牲畜的掠夺很重要。
