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Repositioning Cultural Competency with Clinical Doctoral Students: Unpacking Intersectionality, Standpoint Theory, and Multiple Minority Stress/Resilience
Women & Therapy ( IF 1.484 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-14 , DOI: 10.1080/02703149.2020.1729472
Chana Etengoff 1

Abstract Traditionally, different types of clinical cultural competency trainings have centered on racialized and gendered mental health statistics. Psychologists’ historical focus has been on typecasting clients’ “otherness” while failing to explore clinicians’ intersectionality and bias. These training gaps have led to many clinicians’ limited awareness of their own privilege, racial identity, and unconscious stereotyping. Building on my own standpoint as a researcher of LGBTQ + intersectional identity development, I present a 5-week experiential learning unit designed to foster clinical psychology doctoral students’ applied understanding of how cultural humility, critical cultural awareness, self-other awareness and compassion, and client-clinician intersectionality interactively impact clinical research and practice.



摘要 传统上,不同类型的临床文化能力培训以种族化和性别化的心理健康统计数据为中心。心理学家的历史重点一直是对客户的“其他性”进行类型化,而未能探索临床医生的交叉性和偏见。这些培训差距导致许多临床医生对自己的特权、种族身份和无意识的刻板印象有限。基于我作为 LGBTQ + 交叉身份发展研究人员的立场,我提出了一个为期 5 周的体验式学习单元,旨在培养临床心理学博士生对文化谦逊、批判性文化意识、自我他人意识和同情心如何应用的理解,和客户-临床医生的交叉性交互影响临床研究和实践。