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Successfully Navigating Career Paths
Women & Therapy ( IF 1.484 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-23 , DOI: 10.1080/02703149.2019.1684677
Jean Lau Chin 1

Abstract Successfully navigating my career has been a journey through uncharted waters amidst opposing waves—often being “the first” and “different”. My journey was one of contrasts—being an Asian American woman from an immigrant, working class family to becoming a psychologist, executive director, health care administrator, scholar, and academic dean. I often felt bewilderment and moral outrage at the stereotypes and discrimination I encountered—deemed the exception, both an insider and outsider. Ultimately, my courage and cultural pride led to my transformation and transcendence and a recognition that the personal is professional—my message is: Be there, speak up, and follow your vision!



摘要 成功地驾驭我的职业生涯是在逆浪中穿越未知水域的旅程——通常是“第一个”和“不同的”。我的旅程充满了对比——从移民、工人阶级家庭到成为心理学家、执行董事、医疗保健管理员、学者和学术院长的亚裔美国女性。我经常对我遇到的刻板印象和歧视感到困惑和道德愤怒 - 被视为例外,无论是局内人还是局外人。最终,我的勇气和文化自豪感导致了我的转变和超越,并认识到个人是专业的——我的信息是:在那里,畅所欲言,并追随你的愿景!